Chapter 14

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It was pretty late, at around 8:30 P.M. Julian and I had already eaten a decent dinner of some rice and grilled chicken. The dark-haired man had just gotten out of the shower, shirtless so I could dress his wounds. His muscles rippled, his fair skin bruised. I wrapped his bicep with gauze where a bullet had grazed it. He winced as I secured it. My hand lingered there for a few seconds, then I pulled away. "Good?" I asked him.

He rolled his shoulder and nodded. "Thanks," he muttered.

I nodded and put the covers of the bed over my bare legs. The hotel only had certain pajamas and very few in my size. I had on a white satin nightgown that was FAR above my knees. The neckline was very exposing, so my arms were always in an awkward position, trying to hide... things. Meanwhile, Julian was given nice black pajama pants and a white slouchy dress shirt, but it didn't fit him well, so now he was just bare-chested.

I tried to avoid looking at him and tried to get as far away from him as possible, now at the edge of the bed. The man took a deep breath and stretched out his arms and legs. He whimpered in pain. He stopped stretching and got under the covers as well. The bed was small, so even if we tried to get as far away as possible, our skin was still in contact.

Our backs were turned away from each other, both of us staring at opposite walls. We just lay there in silence for such a long time that I didn't know how long it would take for me to fall asleep. I knew Julian was awake, taking shuddering breaths, his muscles tensed as they were against my smooth skin. I hugged my pillow and let out a sigh. I muttered under my breath, "This is the worst."

I didn't say it quietly enough. Julian turned around and hovered over me and perched himself on his right arm. "Oh, really? This is the worst? More so than when we were being chased and shot at?"

I brought my pillow in closer. "Yes. Especially wearing what we have on."

I felt his head get closer to mine, his warm breath on my golden blonde hair. He put his leg on top of mine, rubbing it. He whispered in a raspy voice, "If we weren't in this situation, we'd be wearing much less."

Julian continued to caress my bare leg with his, making me uncomfortable. He brought his lips to my ear, whisper-kissing me. "Still think this is more awful than running from the murder crew, all bloody and hurt?"

I swallowed. I knew what my head was saying, but he would proceed to stroke me if I said "yes". "No," I choked out.

"Good," he snarled.

The green-eyed boy ran one hand over my arm, sending shivers down my spine. He rubbed his leg against mine once more and then released it and lay back down, still too close for my liking. He was now facing my back, his arm rested over my hip. To keep me from doing anything, I analyzed.

I gritted my teeth. "Take your arm off of me," I grunted.

He just tightened his grip on me and brought his body closer to mine, spooning me. "No," he said, literally hearing the smirk in his voice.

I groaned. "I hate you so much."

Julian put his leg on top of both of mine again, pulling me in closer. His hand drifted down to my thighs, massaging them. "I hate you more," he responded.

And the night continued like this, eventually giving up and falling asleep, the dark-haired man still rubbing against me.


The next morning

I woke up with Julian's arm wrapped around my bare stomach. Apparently, my nightgown was lifted over my hips when I had fallen asleep, probably by the green-eyed man himself. I was still faced away from him (thankfully) but he was so close to me that every part of the front side of his body was touching me. I tried to stretch and sit up, but Julian's arm's tensed and he pulled me in again. He put his cheek against mine and said in a gruff voice, "Where do you think you're going?"

I scowled at him. "I'm getting up so I can shower."

I tried again to get up, but he pulled me back towards him with my thong strap. I yelped as I fell onto his bare chest. He enveloped me in his arms and kissed my jawline. "Wait for me to join you," he said and kissed my jaw again.

I had enough. I elbowed his stomach and he let go of me in shock. I hopped off the bed and grabbed my pistol from the pile of my suit, loaded it, and pointed it at his head. "Shut up before I pull the trigger."

He smiled and got on his knees and shuffled towards the edge of me and leaned over to me. Julian put his lips around the front of the pistol and he winked. His voice, muffled, said, "Then, pull it."

I frowned. How could I kill someone who wanted to be killed?

I let out a groan and threw down my gun. I pointed a finger at him. "Leave me alone."

He rolled his eyes playfully. "I can't ignore you if we're trying to hide from The Hive."

I pulled down my nightgown, which Julian frowned at as if he liked it when more of my body was exposed. "I thought we're just recovering in Kalopsia and then we'll go back to kill all of them?" I asked.

"We are. But we have to hide or else if they find us, they'll kill us right now while we're injured."

I sighed. "Fine. How long are we staying here?"

The dark-haired guy blinked at me, thinking for a moment. "When we're fully recovered. We can't fight the whole murder crew with us being wounded."

I nodded. "True. But where do we stay? Because I know we won't be fully cured by tonight."

He ran his fingers through his black hair and sat down at the foot of the bed, right in front of me, who was standing. "We persuade the desk clerk to let us stay?"

I scoffed. "And how exactly will we do that? I don't have enough money to pay for this room. I only have enough to pay for meals."

Julian raised an eyebrow at me. "Don't you have a bank account?"

I hesitated for a second. "Well, I don't know if they deactivated it because now I'm running around with..." I looked the ex-murder crew member over. "You."

He laughed and took my hand. "Is that such a bad thing?"

I took his hand off mine with my free hand. "Yes. Because I might not have a house to come back to. I won't have anywhere to go."

He shrugged. "I won't either."

I scowled at him. "You live at that base. I had my own house. There's a difference."

Julian cocked his head to the side. "Not really. Not if we're both homeless."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll try to get my money if I still have any. I'm going in the shower." I looked at him meaningfully. "And DON'T come in the bathroom at all."

He flashed me a grin. "Of course."

I clenched my teeth together and stomped off to the bathroom. 

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