Chapter 5

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I winced as my boss screamed at me for the malfunction at the mission. "I wasn't told there would be two," I said quietly.

"We didn't know that, either. But you still could have killed both. You have two pistols and a knife!"

I swallowed back my remarks. "Sorry, sir."

He sighed and buried his head into his hands. "You'll have to go to the party, then. It's the only way to stop it."

I blinked multiple times. "Okay. I will not be seen, I assure you."

Demolisher looked up at me. "What? No, you're not going to HIDE. You can't hide, especially in a PARTY. You're going to be disguised."

I widened my eyes. "Disguised? As in like, dressing up and acting like someone in the actual party??"

"Yes. If you do not disguise yourself, you will be easily spotted and taken down."

I scrunched my nose. I hated dressing up. It was something I despised. "Do I have to?" I asked nervously.

He frowned at me. "Of course you do. This is your assignment. And it's YOUR fault you didn't complete it the first time."

I sighed. "Sorry."

He looked at me sternly. "Don't be. Well, if you don't succeed tomorrow night you WILL be sorry."

"Oh. If I don't complete the assignment are you going to take my house away?"

He exhaled unhappily. "Just go and rest, Paula. You need it. You look awful."

"Gee, thanks."

He laughed. "Don't be so hard on yourself, alright? I know you tried."

"Fine. Thanks."

"Mhm. Any time."

As I was walking out the door, Jimmy said, "Oh, and I'll have your outfit for the party tomorrow. Come at 6:30 p.m. to try it on."

I stared at him with a straight face. "Okay..."

I drove home for another night of questioning my life decisions.


The next night, 6:30 p.m.

Demolisher led me to the dressing room. "You'll like it!" he exclaimed.

I groaned. "That's a lie. I know I'll hate anything you provide."

"Aw, come on, be a little brighter!"

I stared at him, an eyebrow raised. "How can I be 'brighter' with dead family members, being an assassin, and forced to wear a slutty dress?"

He frowned. "I'm trying, yeesh."

I rolled my eyes and continued walking. "Here it is!" he announced and pulled out something on a hanger.

"Yep, I was right. I absolutely detest it."

Jimmy was holding up a white ruched, backless, mini dress with an exposed chest area. My strict Vietnamese mother would have never let me wear that. I stared at him. "Why?" I asked him.

He looked at it with a grin. "It's great, isn't it? It'll go perfectly with the party! You'll blend right in."

"God, I despise this already."

"Wait till you see the shoes!"

He pulled out a pair of clear-heeled mules. I pursed my lips. "Jimmy, where did you even FIND these items?"

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