Chapter 20

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I woke up in the bed of the person I killed last night. I stretched, my bones cracking. I got out of the bed and looked around. When I was stabbing the woman who used to occupy this room, I didn't have much time to take in the surroundings. And when I came back from disposing of the lady's body, I was quite sleepy so I just flopped onto the bed. It had cream-colored walls, but the paint was peeling off, revealing the dirty white natural color underneath. There were very few belongings, with only a katana hung up above the wall, some clothing in the tiny closet, and a nightstand. Not very cozy.

I opened the metal door which opened with a disturbing creak. I scrunched my nose at it in disgust. I walked over to the women's bathroom, needing to use the loo. I pushed open the swinging door and a few women chatting at the sink stared at me. I blinked at them. Oh no! Could they tell that I was new? And that I wasn't supposed to be here? Or worse: they must be thinking that it's me, Paula Crock, the assassin Julian's been running around with.

But they just stared at me. A slim woman with an orange pixie haircut put her hand on her hip and pointed a finger at me. "You're Rosie, right?" she asked.

"Uh-um," I stuttered. "No, I'm Tulip."

"Ohh," the other woman said, who was very muscular and had bright blonde hair gathered back in a tight ponytail.

They're gonna think I'm strange if I don't know their names! "Uh, what are your names again?"

The blonde frowned at me as if everyone should know her name. "Um, sorry, I don't have a very good memory," I said.

The redhead ran her hand through her hair. "I'm Stephanie," she informed me. She jerked her head at the blonde. "This is Tess."

I ducked my head and smiled apologetically. "Thanks."

I walked past them and went into a stall. Oh, you've already attracted people, my mind scolded me.

When I came out of the black-colored bathroom stall, the two ladies were still there. I avoided eye contact and walked over to the sink, washing my hands. The girls talked in hushed tones, occasionally glancing at me.

I went over to the paper towel dispenser, needing to dry my hands. When I was pulling out the rough brown drying materials, a large hand appeared on my shoulder. I slowly looked at it, then at the person, the hand belonged to. I stared at Tess with a blank expression. "Want to sit down at our table?" she asked.

I looked behind her at Stephanie, who shrugged. I turned back to look at Tess's blue eyes. "Sure?" I said, a nervous tone creeping into my voice.

She smirked and walked out of the bathroom, kicking the bathroom door making it bang against the other side of the wall. Stephanie beckoned me forward. "C'mon, follow me. Tess and I will show you to the table we sit at."

I nodded, not saying anything. If I slip up... No, I had to get that thought out of my head.

I trailed the redhead and we walked around the compound, past the training area. We walked downstairs two floors and we arrived at the dining area, where there were tables of food that didn't look very appetizing. Tess was arguing with a guy that startlingly looked like her, just a little taller and bulkier. As we neared closer to them, I heard their conversation. "No! You don't get to steal the new guy! You ALWAYS get to get the new people, so you can be friends with them!"

I had a feeling I knew who they were arguing about now. My eyes drifted to the large guy's left side, where someone was partially hidden. And of course, it just HAD to be Julian. No, you have to use his fake name, my brain reminded me. Quinton.

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