Chapter 23

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Paula slapped me on the arm. I stared at her. "What was that for?!"

She scrunched her nose at me. "Stop worrying!"

"How can I not worry when Randy just signed a contract for a large German army, brand new weapons, and a DAMN HEADQUARTERS?!"

She slapped my face this time. "Shut UP!"

"But-" I stammered.

The assassin slapped my other cheek. "Stop! We will VISIT the Hive and go along with them TO the new base!"

I widened my eyes. "Excuse me?"

She slapped me again. "LISTEN TO ME!"

"I AM listening to you!" I objected.

"Then why did you say 'excuse me?', huh?"

"I- I- I don't know!"

Paula blew a wisp of hair out of her face. "You are hopeless."

"And you are impossible," I growled.

She shook her head and facepalmed. She took a few deep breaths as if calming herself down from my annoyingness. "So, you understand what we're going to do?"

I nodded. "Sneak into the Hive again; wait 'till morning and then go to the new headquarters." Then I looked at the assassin. "Wait. Are we leaving right now to sneak in?"

She groaned and covered her face with a white poofy pillow. I heard a muffled scream and I rolled my jade green eyes. Anger issues.

When she stopped screaming and put down the pillow she looked at me. Then she looked at the pillow. Then back at me. And guess what happened next. Paula threw the pillow at my face. I sputtered as it slid off my fair skin. I threw it at her, but she (sadly) caught it. "And what was THAT for?!" I shouted.

She gritted her teeth. "Are you THICK?! Of course, we have to leave right now to sneak in! When ELSE will we sneak in?"

I shrugged. "I don't know; maybe in an hour?"

The assassin hit my face with the white pillow again. "Why would we wait an HOUR?"

I clenched my jaw. "BECAUSE we did not EAT at the PARTY!"

"WHY WOULD WE STOP TO EAT?!" she yelled.


She took a deep breath. "We are leaving right now."

Paula jumped off the bed. I stood up and groaned. "We're leaving before eating?"

She jutted out her jaw and flipped me onto my back. I yelped and stared up at her, who was standing over me with her hands on her hips. "We're leaving. Now."

I got off my back and wrinkled my nose at her. "I hate you."

The assassin smirked at me and we left to go infiltrate the Hive.


Paula and I decided that we couldn't go through the main entrance because Vincent, the guy who was watching over the murder crew while Randy Miller was at the party, was there. So we were in the air vent. Again. The assassin grunted behind me as I led the way. "Could you go a bit faster?" she asked me.

I looked at her, twisting my body. "It's quite hard to go 'faster' in a cramped space. And when crawling."

She scowled at me, a common expression she had on. We finally met a crossroads in the vent. I nodded at her. "You know the way to the room you are staying in?"

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