I couldn't resist the pleading faces of Amanda and the other two girls. Reluctantly, I gave in. "Fine, I'll do it," I groaned.

"Yay!" they all cheered, tackling me in a hug.

I really need to work on saying the word "no." So, I escaped to the bathroom for a shower. But just as I was about to turn on the water, I heard the sound of my bedroom door closing.

"Thank goodness they're gone," I breathed a sigh of relief, lathering up my shampoo. There are two best things in this world: a comfy bed and a warm shower.

Feeling refreshed, I emerged from the bathroom and got dressed in a yellow crop top, black trousers, and a white scarf. I slipped on some black sneakers and was ready to face the day. Here goes nothing!

As I walked downstairs, I noticed that everyone was sitting at the breakfast table with smiles on their faces, except for one. I mean, seriously, what crawled up Cedric's butt and died this morning? The guy looks like he's about to murder someone before even seeing me.

"Hi, everyone!" I chirped as I sat down at the table, practically salivating at the sight of the delicious food in front of me.

"So, should we hit the road now?" Amanda asked, clinging to Cedric's arm like a limpet as I continued to chow down.

"Let her finish," Blake said, pouring some tea for me with a smile.

"Thanks, Blakey," I said, surprised. "But I never told you I was a tea fanatic."

"You didn't have to," he chuckled. "Cassie told me all about your epic tea showdown. I thought it would be best to keep a steady supply on hand in case of any future tea-related warfare."

I giggled at the memory as I polished off my tea. Then, we all headed out for the mall. I scanned the area for Blake's car, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Blakey, where's your car?" I asked, nudging him playfully.

"Could you please stop poking me in the ribs?" he said, giving me a stern look.

"Can you stop poking me in the ribs? It's like you're trying to find my appendix or something," he grumbled, giving me a death stare. I made a guilty baby face in response. "We're all going in one car," he sighed.

"All of us in one car?" I asked, skeptical.

"Yep, it's a limo," he said with a dramatic flourish. "We don't want to cramp our style by squeezing into a regular car. Plus, it'll give Amanda and Cedric more room to make out."

"All of us? In one car?" I asked, my eyebrows shooting up.

"Yep, it's a limo," he replied, nonchalantly.

"Are you kidding me?

"A limo to the mall? That's a bit much, don't you think?" I rolled my eyes, my inner monologue going "show off, show off."

"Come on, let's go," Blake said, taking my hand and leading me towards the limo.

But as I caught a glimpse of the inside of the limo, I wanted to turn tail and run. Amanda was practically sitting on Cedric's lap, and they were squeezed together so tightly that they looked like Siamese twins.

"I can't do this," I mumbled, pulling back.

"Don't worry, just get in," Blake said, pushing me towards the limo.

"No way, I'm not getting in there," I whispered, pulling back again. "This thing is a mobile petri dish for STDs."

"Don't worry, we'll just sit on opposite sides," Blake said, pushing me inside.

Beta's Unwanted Wife And The CurseWhere stories live. Discover now