Chapter 11: Narcissa

Start from the beginning

Narcissa cleaned her makeup and loosened her hair. Lucius didn't deserve this much effort.

Narcissa climbed downstairs and her heart stopped. Lucius looked so handsome. He was pacing around staring at everything nervously. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Magical sunflowers, that were moving. Lucius was so adorable. How could someone like that be a murderer? Or join a group of murderers?

"What do you want, Lu?" Narcissa said breaking the silence. Lucius turned to look at her. She crossed her arms to show disapproval.

"Cissy!" Lucius smiled "You look dashing, as always"

Narcissa blushed. Why did he had to be so perfect? Narcissa wasn't even wearing makeup. No, no, no. Narcissa had to be strong. She couldn't melt with every nice thing he said.

"These ones are for you" Lucius showed her the flowers "Sunflowers are golden and full of light like you and your golden hair..."

Narcissa interrupted by hitting Lucius' arm.

"OUCH!" Lucius gasped "What the hell Narcissa?"

"I haven't known anything from you in weeks!" Narcissa hit him again "And you think by bringing flowers or saying nice things to me I am going to forgive you?"

She hit him again.

"OUCH, Narcissa"

"I needed you, you bastard!" Narcissa yelled "My sister left! And she was disowned! BLOODY HELL! I NEEDED YOU!"

Narcissa broke down crying. She had been pretty sensible these days. She felt Lucius arms hugging her.

"I'm sorry Cissy" Lucius whispered "I heard about what happened. I am sorry"

"Where were you, Lu?" Narcissa sobbed in his chest

Lucius swallowed "Let's just talk somewhere private and I'll explain everything"

Narcissa knew that the elves liked to spy on guests' conversations. She nodded making pout. Lucius wiped her tears delicately.

"Look at your gorgeous face darling" he whispered softly "Don't cry. Crying gives you wrinkles"

Narcissa let out a little laugh. Lucius smiled pleased.

"You always know what to say"

"That's why you love me" Lucius winked

They found a private place at The Library. Luckily Cygnus wasn't home. And Druella gave them the freedom of being in a room by themselves. Which Narcissa appreciated.

They snogged for a while, out of habit. And because Narcissa missed Lucius' lips. Apparently, Lucius had also missed her because he was kissing her fiercely. Narcissa climbed into his waist and Lucius took her to the nearest sofa. Narcissa lied down and Lucius climbed on top of her. Lucius' hands were everywhere. And Cissy gasped as he reached of her neck. Lucius' hands were sneaking underneath Narcissa's robes...

"Stop!" Cissy demanded. Lucius simple hummed in response but he continued.

Narcissa pushed him away "Lucius!"

The boy finally stopped. He pulled away sitting in the sofa instead. Really confused. Narcissa sat down as well, fixing her robes and hair.

"What? What happened?" Lucius asked

"You can't just fix everything with sex" Narcissa explained

Lucius sighed "What do you want to talk about?"

"Are you joking?"

Lucius shrugged.

"You were going to explain what you were doing this summer?" Narcissa reminded him "Why you disappeared?"

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