"Research!" Amariya said and her eyes glittered. "Are you ready? We have to find the location before tomorrow."

My stomach clenched and I took a deep breath. "Let's go find it."

The July heat was quavering and Anna and I were grateful for the air-condition in the car as I guided Klaus to the location. I was so tense when we stopped the car and got out that my head was almost spinning.

We walked up to the facility and I grabbed Anna's arm for support, but it was of course closed. Which bar is open at ten o'clock in the morning?

Anna and Amariya stopped, making me jerk back a little.

"No, this isn't it!" Anna said.


"Anna, how would you know?" I said a bit cocky. "You weren't there."

"I just don't get that feeling I had by the old school," she said and it actually made sense; this didn't send out that same vibrations.

"But you said that the owner was a witch?" Klaus asked me and I nodded. "Was; as in; not anymore?"

"Yes, she's dead."

"That could explain the lack of magic now." Klaus and Amariya looked at each other with confirmative nods, and they started to look around for a place to hold the magic we needed.

In a flash it hit me and maybe Anna at the same time, because we stared wide at each other. "Damon killed her before we got here."

The siblings stopped and turned towards us. "Before?"

"Yes, sorry; I forgot."

They looked at each other and amazingly enough, not even Klaus was mad. "Back to the drawing board," was all he said and motioned for us to get back to the car. He usually gets raging mad, what happened?

"Are you okay?" I asked when Klaus was about to close the door after me as I got in the car.

He looked surprised at me. "I'm not the one who needs to get back in the game, luv."

"No, but..."

"Get in, we'll figure it out!" Stunned I watched him wink at me as he closed the door for me. What had happened to him; he seriously couldn't be transforming into a nice guy, right?

"So..." Amariya said as we sat in the car. "What did you do after going to the bar that day?"

I sighed and did my best to recall what happened. "High school, Dr. Gilbert's office and the library?" I sighed since I had no idea where to start. I started to show directions for us to get there, but Klaus turned and watched me with crooked eyebrows.

"I've been in and out of this town double the length of your lifetime, luv. I can find my way around here."

I felt stupid. "Sorry."

He started the car and I sat quiet in the backseat the entire round, I didn't even get out when they stopped by the doctor's office. Crestfallen was the word.

"Wait a minute, didn't you tell me you were at the Lockwood estate as well?" Anna asked when they all got into the car again.

I watched her. "Yes, how could I have forgotten that one?" My mind must be out for the counting, but it was definitely on now. "Yes, I was out in the garden, the big stone stairs had this tense feeling and I thought about that episode when Elijah was walking there with Elena," I said turning to Anna all excited. "I said I wished you'd be there."

"Bing, bing, bing; and we have a winner!"

I looked at the siblings that congratulated each other. "That's it? Did we make it?"

Chasing Dreams (a Vampire Diaries fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now