Another pleasant bit of news was that you had graduated from your online school. Not at the same time as Mark, of course, since online school runs differently from in-person school- and also because of the fact that you ended up decently ahead of schedule in general. So, you had a lot more time to spare. Most of it you ended up spending at work with Detective Parr, with Mark and William during their school hours, or chilling at the Grayson's. Overall, you were spending less and less time at your own apartment, and spent more time lounging at Mark's place. You'd even been crashing on their couch more often. Sometimes you'd break that routine to go see the Parr's, but for the most part, you were staying away from the life of living alone. Had the silence of living by yourself in an apartment finally gotten to you? You guessed as much- not that you minded it. Oddly enough, you found yourself enjoying your own acts of getting out and staying with other people more often.

After getting back from school, you lounged around with Mark in his room talking to him in preparation for his date- which he would be having tomorrow with Amber. "It's not a date!" He repeated, becoming annoyed by your accusations. You rolled your eyes. "Sure thing, loverboy. You are just getting all of the girls nowadays, aren't you? And every time, you say "no, we're just friends," or, "oh, we're only "hanging out."" Like dude, come on, what are you trying to do?" Mark scoffed. "Nothing! You really think I'd have a plan for something like this?" You snorted. "No, I guess not. You aren't really the type to plan things out. Case and point, Amber planned everything for this date didn't she?" He nodded to you, finally facing you as he finally sat down beside you, having given up on whatever he was searching for. "Exactly!" He let out a huff, looking clueless.

Que the quirked brow. "You want some help?" Mark looked up at you blankly as he laid back. "What could you possibly help me with?" You shrugged. "Something, probably. What part of all of this are you struggling with?" Mark took a breath, running his hands through his hair. "I'm nervous, but I don't want to be. I don't know what to wear. I'm worried I'll mess up." You held up a hand, signaling him to stop. "Let's work with the more tangible things first. Being where you're going, what you normally wear will probably work." He tugged at his shirt. "Same as usual?" You nodded. "Same as usual."

"When it comes to nerves, though, there's not much you can do about that. Things happen out of your control. As long as you do your best, be all polite and shit, and let things flow, I'm sure it'll be fine." He smiled. "That does not help me, but thanks anyway." You nodded. "Sure thing. Sure thing...

"... Wanna play Smash?"

"I knew you were gonna ask that."

"Well? Do ya?"

"...Yeah. I'll go get the Switch."


"Whatcha workin' on?"

It had been a day since your conversation with Mark. He was now out and about with his girlfriend- as much as he denied that was the case. You currently leaned over Debbie, watching as she typed on her laptop. "Real estate?" You asked, setting your chin down to rest on her shoulder. She didn't bat an eye and continued to work, replying curtly. "Yep. Work stuff." You smiled somewhat sarcastically. "Fun."

You heard Nolan come downstairs from the bedroom, and come up behind you two. "Hey, you've been working all night." Debbie smiled as he approached, sitting in on the conversation as you idled beside her. "You're one to talk. Where were you?" Her tone was light for the question she posed. Nolan barely shrugged, staring off as he more likely than not recalled what he had been doing. "Eh, the usual. Teaching someone a lesson." He set his hands on you and Debbie's shoulders. "How about we all go to bed? It's late." Debbie shied away from the touch. "Nolan..." He crossed his arms, frowning a hint. "Okay, what's going on?" The abrasiveness in his tone shocked you, but didn't concern you. The Grayson's sometimes got into arguments, but they never got as bad as the ones your parents had, so you learned to shrug them off. The disputes never lasted. It was odd, too. As of late, they've been more frequent. 

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