|| chapter 22 ||

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The sun stationed high above the horizons, above the heavens and the grand vast blue sky. The radiant and warm sunlight that had touched the lands, the bright light for everyone to see.

Some clouds looked fluffy or simply looked dissipating and faded through and with the sky. Children and youths tracing the shapes of this seemingly white floating cotton candies.

The airy breeze blew upon the meadows, the blades of the grass swayed backwards against the wind. The dandelions breaking off by the wind, its petal likes floating off in the air, going as high as to the skies.

The sound of running water by the stream, the translucent color of the water giving clear sight for what's under the creek. The water glistening under the radiant daylight, yet it stayed cool beneathe the burning sun's rays.


An eight year old boy, furrowed his eyebrows as he gaze off to the sky. The child had wondered what was this thing that his parents had always told him.

Love? Was it something you eat? To get married? Was it something important for a royalty? He asked upon himself, curious about the property unknown to himself.

He brushes it off, all he needs now is to get strong, stronger than his rival. The silvernette stood up from the dirt and grass, dusting off his white loose trousers.

He shakes off his hand and brushed it with each other. Getting rid of the excess dust and dirt that stuck onto his small hands.

He walked towards back his home, the House Silva's Royal Castle, from the garden he once sat and gaze onto the sky.

His narrow purple eyes stared lazily infront of him, straight ahead. His chin high and nose up, straightened back and puffed chest out. The eight year old held pride as a royal despite his age.

As he arrived, an (h/c)-nette awaited him along his dear mother. The six year old child looked and stared on her feet, avoiding any eye contacts. Making him unbeknownst of her eyes.

He hesitantly lead the younger girl, trailing behind his footsteps. He started to ask a question, looking over his shoulder the young girl with her sunken shoulders with her hidden eyes that was interested solely on the ground.

He stopped on his tracks, turning his body to her, questioning her more, he sees those hidden eyes of yours.

They were dull, but it shined to his eyes as if they were gems, gems that welled up things inside. Not long after, tears falls off her (e/c) eyes.

Jolted from the sudden cries, he quickly took his hankerchief to her. Spewed out words of comfort he didn't even knew he could have compose of.

He suppose, you could stay. The eight year old showed the younger girl to her new home, something he never thought, never thought of interesting himself to a crybaby and melancholic child, he described.

The followed days consist of you following the child. You were indecisive by yourself and he found out that you had let the servants of the house trouble you.

He quickly declared and announced to the servants. Proclamation that he had announced with dignity.

The (h/c) haired stared awe at the young lad. He grabbed her wrist earnestly and gently as he lead the way away from lowly commoners he spoke of.

For the next weeks he began to notice your dull eyes slowly regaining its shine that have once lost at the tradegy.

You were always up in the clouds, he had always been curious with what was going on your head.

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