|| chapter 16 ||

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You arrived at the mine shafts without issue, well maybe there is.

It looks like the captain chose himself for the mission and a few four other intermediate and senior magic knights for the mission.

The ravenette executive who owns the mines didn't said anything about the mines nearing the Strong magic region. Which may explain the sudden appearing of the monsters, but why the sudden increasing now?

Aside from that, Sir Astair was also present. Not because he needs to point out which and where do the tunnels go but because he insisted on going with the magic knights.

"Sir Astair, you need not to come to mission. Especially involving a civilian for the mission would only be a nuisance and get on our way."

Your captain spoke. You stood at the middle of the two, more to the silvernette's side.

"Do not worry, Captain Nozel--" He was cut off by a cold voice.

"Silva." He interjected.

"Captain Silva, it concerns me as it is my mines that we are talking about." He emphasized as if to brag, with a smile.

"That is unreasonable. Your measly mine is on safe hands with the Silver Eagles Magic Knights." The purple-eyed man remarked.

"You are not coming to the mission to the mines. That is my final decision as the commanding for the mission." He turned away and his robe was swayed with the wind that picked up.

The ravenette smiled only as if he already predicted his answer, which is easy to know.

"I see, then I shall stay at the post," He smiled uneasily but called out, "Lady (y/n), since you are a healer, you are to stay out here? Would you like to join me to the post?"

This sly fox, he took the advantage of the happenings from his mines and at the same time making a move to her. The agitated captain thought.

Before you could've even answer his proposal someone else answered for you.

"(y/n) will not be staying out for this mission. She is also a support mage who would accompany me within the mines."

"But I requested for her because she is a healer." The green eyed male spoke with a strained smile.

"Yes, but her capabilities does not only limits her to be a healer, she is also a support mage who would do just as great."

"But what if she injures herself? Wouldn't she waste her mana healing herself?"

"Not only that, what about the other magic knights? If they were to get injure and get out early, Where is the recovery mage to heal them?"

"Please do not be ridiculous. My trust in my magic knights is not so thin that I would doubt them to get injured critically in such early matters." He spoke with pride.

"The strategy was pairing two magic knights with their magics that suits well for the mission and each other. Both offensive and defensive magic in that matter." He heightens his mana pressure and the atmosphere was dense.

"(y/n) knows her character as a healer, too. She won't get herself injured or in danger. Moreover, she'll be with me the whole time, she won't get harmed under my watch and my condition." This time he fully turned and walked away but not before sending a cold sharp glare at the male infront of him.

You had cold sweats as you don't know what's happening anymore. What the silvernette spoke of, is true, the strategy, is true.

But you were primarily stationed to be outside or guard at the post as a healer. Well not that you're complaining.

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