|Chapter Thirty-Four : Make Me Yours|

Start from the beginning

"He loves me as a son. He'd accepted me despite his hatred for my father. Despite knowing everything bad I'd done. He hadn't ever punished me for anything. He'd never do that." I whisper low and delectably that it was a wonder I could ever speak like that.

It reminded of the scared boy I used to be around my father. The boy who trembled at the mere sight of violence. The boy who never wanted to be part of this harsh world but was thrown into it nevertheless. The boy who had to see his mother die in front of his eyes. The boy who was the reason his step-mother had to kill her mate for his sake. The boy who never wanted to be a King.

I've drove away everything close to me. My closest friend. My most beloved commanders. My most loyal allies. Because somewhere deep down I knew I was born cursed. That no one who I grew close with ever survived. Every day, every breath I take, it's spent in worrying for the life of the very few people who are left. Kaitlyn, Eleanor, Mellisa, Marilla and Uncle Keith. . .

It isn't until I feel the light prick of my eyes do I realise that my emotions are clouding my better judgment again.

Avyanna had said when I'd told her of Kaitlyn's memory being wiped out the day before I took her to the snow forest that maybe it really was a raven. Maybe it was Uncle Keith. But I hadn't trusted her and had berated her of how wrong she was. She'd eventually accepted that maybe she actually was misunderstanding things. I had trusted Uncle Keith more than anything my whole life. I had trusted him over my most sharpest commander who'd never been wrong.

But hearing the exact same words from Kaitlyn felt like a sharp stab through my heart. Another person who betrayed me. . .

Isn't life just wonderful?

Warm hands holding my face snaps me out of my self misery. I stare straight ahead as my mate calls out my name, "Valerian, that is not love."

"What do you know about love, Kate?" I ask bitterly.

She just stares and when I don't hear her speak for a whole minute, I glance her way. The moment I do so, she steps back and grabs my hand.

I stare up in confusion as she tugs me to follow her. I look around to find a few people exiting the throne room. Is the ball over already?

"I mind-linked the head-in-command to end the ball telling him I'm not feeling well." She explains before walking ahead pulling me along with her, "Come on, people might see us."

I follow silently completely confused by her act. We walk and walk until we're a floor above in front of her room.

She pushes the door open before tugging me in and locking the door behind her, all the while I stand there staring in complete oblivion.

"What are you-"

Before I can complete, Kaitlyn is in front of me, her hands holding my face yet again.

"I might not know what love is, but I do know that when you love someone, you don't want to hurt them. If Keith truly loved you, he'd never want to kill you. He'd never want to claim your mate as his. No matter what the reason." Her eyes softened when she took into the way my head lowered as my heart shriveled in my chest.

Running a soft hand over the planes of my jaw, "I know you feel betrayed, hurt and it's hard to believe what I'm saying. But it's the truth, Val. I'm sorry to be the one who's telling you this. But you have to know. I can't let you be in the dark when all that man is trying to do is kill you, using your blind faith on him as an asset. I can't let him take anything more from you. You've already lost enough. I won't let him take your mate away from you. I won't let him take me away from you. I won't let him win against you. Make me yours before he could even put his hands on me." She then leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to my forehead making everything inside me melt with a cozy feeling.

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