"Well, welcome to the show. It's great to have you all here.", one of the presenters, Ruth Langsford, greeted us and we all smiled. 

"Thank you for having us.", Kyle said in my and Piper's name as well. Good thing we have agreed and outlined the interview a little beforehand. I also knew what questions were coming towards me. Julian was in full control of the questions that will be asked, so I knew how to react and what to answer, at least in the slightest bit. 

"It's our pleasure.", another presenter, her name was Christine, started. "But before we start I just have to say, the show Toxic is just amazing and you all did such a good job with your acting. You're all so talented!"

"Oh that's so sweet, thank you.", I said and smiled brightly. 

"Now, I'm sorry Kyle and Piper, but the first thing we want to talk about today is you, Tatiana.", the third presenter, Charlene, said and I nodded. "I mean, you were just gone from the public for so long and you brothers started to resurface a couple of years ago, so what have you been up to?"

"Well, yes.", I started. "First of all, you have to know that my parents took me and my brothers out of the spotlight years ago so we could all have our own choice of how we want to live our lives." In my mind, the incident came up, but I tried to push these pictures away as fast as possible. "And my brothers decided early they didn't mind the attention and fame, so every one of them found their way and profession I guess, but I decided to go to university first before I would try to become an actress and musician."

"So, you have been going to university for the past three years, is that correct?" I nodded, happy they didn't ask more about the incident, and a short 'Yes' escaped my lips. "So how did that work out? I mean, your name must have gotten some attention right?"

"I used a fake name, to be honest. And nobody knew me from my appearance, because the last photo of me on the internet was when was I was around four or five years old, so it was quite easy to do the program unrecognized." I was surprised by myself how easy it felt to do that interview now.

"Wow, that is amazing. What and where did you study, if I may ask that?", the last reporter, Kaye, asked me then.

"I'm just about to graduate from Oxford University with a Bachelor in Human Science.", I explained and the audience gasped. 

"Wow, Oxford!", Ruth said. "You must be really smart then." I just laughed at that comment, because I didn't know how to answer that. "Well, congratulations on graduating, then."

"Thank you." The smile didn't leave my face. 

"Well, studying and then acting next to it, is there any more free time for you to actually do the things you love?", Christine asked me then.

"You'd probably be surprised, but I do have time for things I love.", I explained. 

"Like what?", Charlene cut me off, which was quite rude.

"I love to dance and sing, as you might have noticed in the show." Nervously I laughed again. I was opening myself up for the entire public right now. Nerve-wracking. "I also really enjoy working out and cooking. I try to watch what I eat and make sure I am eating the right things, a lot of protein. I also very much enjoy watching different sports, but especially Formula 1. Guess my father imprinted that on me. But I haven't followed F1 in the past two or three years. So yes, these are the things you would probably find me doing when I'm not doing things for university or acting."

"Very talented girl over here, indeed.", Kyle jokingly said and I and Piper laughed. "No really, she's barely twenty years old, but she's so mature."

"But still, she can be good fun.", Piper agreed and I smiled at both of them, thankful for their help with the interview.

"Now, what I also wanted to know is how can you just come here and be so relaxed about this entire interview? I mean if I was you I would probably be so nervous.", Christine asked me next. 

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now