Chapter 28: An Act of Desperation.

Start from the beginning

Lucifer's feathers fluff slightly as the fallen angel enjoys the attention and affection that he's receiving. Jean all of a sudden stops pampering him as she feels the need to pee again when one of the babies press against her bladder. Lucifer pouts, "Why did you stop?"

"I have to pee again. These little ones just won't give me a break." She places a quick kiss to his lips, "Quit pouting, beloved. I'll be right back."

"What would you like for breakfast, kitten?" Lucifer asks her while waiting.

"Chocolate covered hash browns, scrambled eggs with peanut butter, and pickles with ginger ale as a drink, please! Remember the babies don't like conjured food!"

Lucifer makes a face of utter disgust, "What the hell...I'm used to your cravings for chocolate covered potatoes and ginger ale, but peanut butter and pickles scrambled eggs? That's got to be your most disgusting craving yet."

"Let's not forget whose fault it is that I'm in this position in the first place!"

Lucifer scoffs in annoyance, "If I recall correctly, it takes two to make a baby." He hears a string of very creatively put together cuss words from the bathroom and decides that he should get started on Jean's breakfast in order to appease his now irritated wife. Lucifer grumbles under his breath about how he has to cook like a hairless ape, but since it's for his offspring he does it anyway.

Two hours later, Jean and Lucifer are sitting on the couch watching Godzilla 2000. Much to her surprise and pleasure, Lucifer is actually enjoying the movie. There's a knock on the front door and Jean squeals in delight. "They're here! They're here!"

"Oh, joy," Lucifer sarcastically says while standing to help Jean to her feet.

She playfully elbows him in the gut, "Oh, hush. Remember your promise, Luci, be on your best behavior."

"Yes, my love," he replies, perfectly imitating the voice of Henry the rooster from the old cartoon The Henpecked Rooster.

Jean laughs in amusement while walking over to the front door. She opens the door and immediately hugs whichever of her brothers it is standing directly in front of the door. "I'm so glad that you're both alive!"

A pair of arms wrap around her and returns her embrace. "The feeling is mutual, Jeanie," Dean says holding her tighter. She and Dean release each other before Jean turns to her little brother and hugs Sam as well. She buries her face in his chest and begins to cry.

The sound of his etam's sobbing immediately brings Lucifer to Jean's side. At his appearance, Sam and Dean tense up and prepare themselves for the worst, but Lucifer only keeps his distance and observes the interaction between the three Winchester siblings with his arms folded over his chest.

Sam rubs Jean's back with his right hand in a comforting manner. "Hey, it's okay, Jean. We're all right."

Jean pulls away from Sam to wipe away her tears. "I'm just so happy that you're both back and unharmed, Samsquatch." Sam makes a face at the nickname causing Jean to giggle. She steps to the side and invites her brothers into the house. "Come on inside. I'll give you a quick tour then you guys can tell me whatever it is that you came to tell me."

She leads them inside and gives them a small tour while Lucifer goes back to watching the movie in the living room. Dean lets out a low whistle as they enter the kitchen, "This is a nice place. Did you remember to draw all of the usual warding symbols, Jean?"

"Actually, Lucifer has warded this place against every supernatural creature that he knows about. Nothing supernatural is getting within 300 yards of this house, not including Lucifer and our babies, of course."

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