Dishes make noise | Wanda Maximoff

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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Warnings: none
Requested by: marvelbxtch
Pronouns: She/her
Extra Information: Y/N has the power to heal people. It's not really important to the story but incase you were wondering how Pietro is alive this is how.
Authors note: This is the first request I've gotten so I hope you like it. It's short but pretty fluffy.

Sokovia was hectic and exhausting, to say the least. The twins joined decided to help the Avengers, Pietro almost died, Ultron was stopped and the world was saved.

This time though, the Avengers gained three new members. Vision, Pietro and Wanda. They all managed to settle in well in a short amount of time but the bond between Wanda and the young Avenger Y/N developed even quicker.

The connection they shared was undeniable, which is why it came as no surprise to the others when they started dating.

It's pretty much impossible to hide something so big around the Avengers, especially Clint and Natasha. The two of them know about everything in the tower. And if Wanda and Y/N knew that they would've realised they had no reason to worry.

♤♡Your P.O.V◇♧

"Bad dream again?" I ask as I see Wanda enter the kitchen.

"Yeah. What about you?" She walks over to stand by the counter with me.

"Just couldn't sleep, I guess." I mumble, finishing the drink I held in my hand.

"It's a shame you weren't in your room though, I came to find you." Wanda steps closer to me, her nose nearly brushing mine.

"Sorry." I smile. She begins to lean towards my face and I go to put my glass on the counter but miss the empty space and practically smack the dishes on the drying rack, sending them crashing to the floor. We both move out of the way so they don't hit us. "I just ruined the moment, didn't I?" I sigh. "I'll get the broom."

"Don't worry, it was an accident. We can clean it up in a minute." She leans in again and this time actually kisses me. Her arms wrap around my shoulders as I place my hands on her hips to pull her closer to deepen it.

"Did you break all the clean plates?" The familiar voice of Clint rings out from beside us.

We slowly break away from each other and turn to see the other avengers running in, wearing their pyjamas and holding their weapons. Well, most of them. Thor and Tony can get their suits easily easily.

"It was an accident." I mutter as Wanda and I step away from each other.

"Good, we thought someone was hurt." Natasha sighs, looking like she just wants to go back to bed.

"Why are you not suprised about this? Did you already know and not tell us?" Tony exclaims, turning to Nat and Clint.

"We assumed you knew. I mean, it's not like they were any good at hiding it." She turns her attention back to us and smiles. "We're happy for you both."

Marvel One Shots (X Reader) REQUESTS ARE OPEN!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें