It only took a few minutes before I drift off to sleep.



It's been a week

and still no Xander

I sent him a message last week, informing him that we were home but he just left me on read. His black jeep commander wasn't on its usual parking spot too.

One week of not seeing or talking to him affected me way more than I thought it would. Me and Andrea are back at the diner. David already gave us our one week pay which means I had a few money saved up right now. I already did some groceries yesterday and hid whatever money was left.

Every after work, I hope that Xander would be at his place but I always come home disappointed.

I look at the clock and saw that it was almost one in the afternoon

"You want to hang out later?" Andrea asked, mopping the floor "What do you have in mind?" I look at her "How about we have some fun and have a few drinks? I know a chill place" I wipe my hands clean and remove my apron "Yeah sure" I answered back

This will help me forget a bit

"Okay, I'll be at your place at five thirty"


My doorbell rings indicating that Andrea was already here

I look at my clothes. I was wearing a high waisted shorts with a fit plain white crop top. My rashes were still there but its better than last week thanks to the ointment that Xander gave me. I grab my plain white shoes and ran downstairs to open the door.

"You ready?" Andrea asked, looking at me "I knew you were curvy, L but not this curvy" She said shocked. I blush while putting on my shoes "You're flattering me too much, A" She rolls her eyes "Come on"

I follow her out and watch her hop inside a silver honda civic "Is this yours?" I asked surprised "No it's my brother's, I just borrowed it" She winks and starts the engine. I hop inside the passenger seat and put on my seatbelt.

"Let the fun begin"


We park in front of a bar named 'The Lounge'. Andrea immediately pulls me inside and I was greeted with the scent of smoke and alcoholic beverages. A band was performing a song that I didn't know while everyone was just sitting at their respective tables, enjoying and drinking with friends. Andrea pulls me to the island bar counter and we take a sit on the stools.

"Two mojitos, make it strong" Andrea said to the bartender that had a flirty smile on his face. He leaves to make our drinks "He's interested in you" I said loudly, leaning to her so she could hear me over the loud band singing "David's cuter" Andrea yelled. I chuckle and shook my head "You guys official?" She shakes her head "Nah, we're still enjoying the whole flirting stage but we both admitted that we liked each other" I gasp and smiled "I'm happy for you, A!" She blushes and punches me on my arm lightly "Is Xander home? I haven't seen him around since we arrived" I force a smile "I haven't seen him" She nods, looking at me sad "Hey it's fine" I said, not wanting to ruin her mood "Let's just have fun tonight okay? No boy talks" She nods with a huge smile plastered on her flawless face. The bartender comes back with our drinks

"Cheers, babe!" We cheers and chugged our drink


We drank and danced like there was no more tomorrow. Andrea only drank two mojitos then sticked to fruit shakes since she was the one driving us back home but I kept drinking.

I drank until I couldn't remember the guy that I was missing for a week.

Rihanna's song was playing which means all of the ladies went wild and started dancing.

The funny part about being drunk and hanging out with drunk people is that making friends suddenly becomes easy. In fact, it feels like you're with your best friends, not strangers.

"L, my brother's calling me, if I don't get home in twenty minutes he'll kill me" Andrea said pulling me away from the dance floor.

I was drunk but not drunk enough to not care about my friend. I immediately nod and checked my pockets if my phone was still there. We both walk out of the bar and hopped inside her car.

"Sorry for ruining the night. My brother woke up from his sleep and saw that I wasn't in my room" I chuckle "Its no big deal! I had fun tonight" I slurred out a bit. She chuckles and started driving "The blonde guy that was dancing with you earlier seemed to really like you" Andrea said, eyes fixed on the road "Who?" I asked confused "You know, the one who you danced with"

"I danced with someone?" Andrea laughs "You know what? Just forget it" She said still laughing. I nod and closed my eyes, suddenly feeling really sleepy.

After a few minutes the car stops making me open my eyes "We're here" I look outside and saw that we were parked in front of her house "Alright well goodnight, A. Thanks again for tonight" I said stepping out of her car "Let me walk you back to your house" Andrea said, walking to me and holding my arm. I chuckle "I literally live just across your house. I can walk back myself" I said reassuringly. She looks at me hesitant "Andrea!" We heard a male voice call out. We both turn around to see Andrea's brother glaring at Andrea with his arms crossed "He looks like the grinch" I snorted. Andrea laughs and nods "He does with that expression" Andrea shakes her head then hugs me "Thanks for tonight, L! Goodnight" We both wave goodbye then she walks to her house.

I started crossing the street with my eyes slightly closed due to I was really starting to feel sleepy right now. I bump into a hard wall making me flinch back in pain, I rub my nose and opened my eyes slightly and saw a black car that wasn't parked there earlier. I groan and started walking again, making sure that I don't bump into something this time. I reach for my key inside my pocket and tried to put the key in the hole but I couldn't.

I take a deep breath and tried to steady my hand but the key won't go to the hole. I groan loudly in frustration

"Stupid key" I muttered under my breath

"Stupid Xander" I muttered again

After a few more tries the key still won't go in. I was about in yell in frustration when I heard a familiar voice talk

"Need help?"


I'm so sorry for not updating for 2 days! I was busy with work and i'm sorry if this chapter went too fast. It's already 5 in the morning and I'm struggling to stay awake lol

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