''I didn't really understand what he meant at first but then he explained. You assert authority over people by showing them you can easily take something dear from them. Show them there's always someone above them all. And so he came up with the idea of Bride fest and creating a harem. I was against it at first and I refused to move in that direction, so my father took over the palace for the next week or so. Those days I spent mostly with my mother. She was just as against the idea as I was but once she saw father was not backing down and there was no other way, she started to try and persuade me into doing it. One evening, she said something that made me reconsider.'' Curious, I raised my eyebrows not tearing my eyes away from his face.

''What was that?'' Taehyung looked down at me, tightening his arms around my body.

''She said with the Bride fest I had the chance to meet the girl I wanted to see for a long time.''

Startled, I leaned away from his shoulder, turning to him fully with a frown.

''You don't mean-''

''Mother was the only person I told about you. How there was this little girl in the crowd at the coronation, how she smiled so widely and how her smile alone made me think that maybe ruling wouldn't be such a misery.'' Not able to find any words to express myself, I watched him silently, tonguetied. ''I always wanted to meet you at least once. I wanted to thank you even if you were just a child back then. But truly, this wasn't the way I had in mind. You becoming a part of all this. I didn't want this for you but back then I had no choice. Things were getting worse and worse, my father kept on pushing and the kingdom was falling apart. So I accepted in the end. Despising the idea still but I endured it knowing I would at least get to see you at some point.''

I slowly looked away from him, processing all that was said, my mind a jumbled mess of confusion.


''At first, I didn't plan to take you in.'' I glanced back at him, biting my lip, ''I thought just seeing you would be enough. Maybe have the chance to exchange a few words. But once I saw you on that stage, once I stood so close to you, I couldn't push back the fear of it being our last encounter.''

Gulping I looked down at the clear water around us, a stray rose petal floating close by.

Was I partially the reason the harem was created? He said he didn't have much choice, but it was because of me that he started to consider it. He wanted to see me ever since the day of coronation. Just because I smiled his way. Just because I was happy for him back then.

''I don't know how to feel about this, to be honest,'' I uttered, trying to arrange my thoughts.

''I never wanted it to come to this. Back then I would never even think of getting you tangled up in all this. But once I finally had you, I was desperate,'' he whispered, holding up my chin with his finger.

One look in his eyes made me ease up in his arms, sighing heavily.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, searching his eyes.

''You think there would be no other way for us to meet if I wasn't in the palace?'' Taehyung pursed his lips.

''I don't know. Most likely not. Not with my father around.''

''How come he has such a strong grip on you and what you do? I understand he is your father but he doesn't rule anymore. Even with all these people in the palace who are on his side, he shouldn't have that much power, right? What can he do, not being in charge?'' I questioned, genuinely confused why his father is always such a big deal. I didn't know much about how the palace worked, but him being retired must mean he doesn't have as much power as Taehyung does, right?

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