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[Jeonghan's POV]

What is happening? Why can't she see me? Ruffling my hair, I sat down on one of the benches below the street light. It's kinda funny cause I'm feeling so hopeless now and the streetlight shining on me brightly like it was lowkey mocking me.

"Okay, Jeonghan. Calm down. It was an accident and accidents can be fixed right? okay where did it go wrong. I think I need help."


"Tell me about it."

"I was strolling down the streets and saw a boy, he looks like he's just died cause I can clearly sense fresh blood on his face and body. He handed me a coat saying that I need it which is weird cause how in the world would he know that right?"

Grandma nodded as he listened seriously.

"So I accept it and wear the coat. Poof! like magic I'm visible to the human eye. I felt alive again. It was an unforgettable experience. So I'm excited and thought I should buy something for Y/N. So I did, and when I arrived at her house, just like that she couldn't see me." My tone gets slower and slower as I rewind back the scene in my head.

"Do you have the coat?" I nodded as I tossed the coat to her. She examined it for a while and her eyes widened.

"Vampires." She breathed.

I turned to her. "Vampires?"

"The boy you saw is a vampire. I'm certain that the blood you saw on him is not his. Maybe he had lunch.."

"Ew." I flinched.

"You should never take anything from a vampire. Anything. They are just not trustable. The coat is one of their cursed objects. They made people who can't see you see you. But those who already can, dont." stuffing my face into my palms, I take a deep breath.

"Strange." Grandma blurted, putting the coat down.


"Vampires only use these items to the people they targeted. This could not be a coincidence." She looked at me worriedly. To the people they targeted? Why would a vampire target me? I barely knew their existence. Well when I was alive I didn't believe vampires, maybe they existed anyway.

"I'm afraid there is another thing that you should be worried about Han-ah."


[ Y/N POV ]

I woke up with puffy eyes probably from crying. Maybe I was crying yesterday before going to sleep.

Stretching up from bed, I walk myself to the kitchen to drink some water. Passing through the living room, I noticed there was a little box on the table.

"Cupcakes? Did I buy cupcakes yesterday?" Confused, I opened the box and there were six cute cupcakes that were decorated with icing sugar and lots of sprinkles. I'm sorry? Why would I buy cupcakes that are written like this? Maybe someone gave it to me?

But who?

Narrowing my eyes, I also notice a little paper beside the box. Maybe this will reveal who the sender is, I thought. But sadly on the paper there was nothing more than a delicate writing of 'I'm here'. Someone's in my apartment last night?

Why can't I remember anything?

I began to think hard but nothing came to mind. Storing the cupcakes in the fridge, suddenly my phone rang. It was an unknown number but I just picked it anyway.

"Hello. Who are you?



"Y/N! over here!" I heard someone calling and of course it was joshua. I smiled and skipped to him. It was another school day and somehow he called me to meet in front of the library before class.

"Good Morning!" He smiled ever so politely.

"Morning! So why did you want to meet me?" I said, playing with the straps of my backpack. Standing like this infront of Joshua just the both of hs really made me nervous and somehow flustered.

"Oh I just want to ask you out for lunch. If.. if you like?" Joshua scratched his head nervously. This boy is such a creampuff! and is he asking me out? like on a date?! no Y/N comes to your senses.

"Ouh oh sure! I would love that." I tried hard not to grin too much.

"Okay see ya soon!" He chirped and waved. I wave too, all smiley. I gather all my senses and breathe out, starting walking to my class. All the way to class I can't hide my smile. I'm in such a good mood! Thanks to shua of course.

"Yo Y/N!" You seem in a good mood.

"Yo!!" I high fived Hoshi and Seungkwan as I took my seat.

"So Y/N We actually have a favor to ask you." Seungkwan elbowed Hoshi to continue. I just nodded, and listen.

"It is almost Jeonghan's birthday so we are thinking of doing something! Okay here's the plan. We're going to do it at the roller rink. Seungkwan will fetch the cake from his aunt's friend while I set the place up. After everythings ready you can conjure, wait, that's not right. Hmm, call Jeonghan and surprise!" I can't barely wink as my eyes wide of pure confusion.

"We could order pasta too. Jeonghan loves pasta! Wait, can he eat? Or he could-"

"Stop." I say firmly.

"Who is Jeonghan?"

With that, Hoshi and Seungkwan looked at me with huge eyes.

Thank you for supporting this storyㅠㅠ I'm in tears 😭♥️

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