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Everyday I blame myself who was lacking,
My feelings that I can't count overflow
So I space out once again. I'm alone once again,
Seeing myself who has been left
It's nothing but another painful night
-I wish

"Stop!!" I shrieked in horror, snatching the knife from his hands and tossed it somewhere.

The boy's cold dead eyes looked into my warm ones, as he looked down probably finding the knife. I clasped his hands making him facing me.

"Don't kill yourself." I whispered softly, looking into his eyes. His gaze was determined as he said these words in sorrow,

"But would you be happy if I'm dead?"


My eyes widened as my breath became unstable. What was that?

I was about to think about it as dokyeom burst in, smiling.

"Y/N? You awake? well I have something to do so I can't make you breakfast-"


"Hold on, but your friend informs that he'll pick you up soon so yeah go have breakfast with him." He winked.

Wait, He? Is it Hoshi or Seungkwan? I have no idea so I just decided to shower and get ready.


Putting some finishing touches on my look, I sprayed some perfume on when I suddenly heard a knock.

"Coming!!" I shouted, grabbing my bag and dashed down.

Opening the door, my eyes widened.

"It was you?!!" feeling absolutely shocked, I tsk.

"You knew I was coming? What's up with the dress?" Han said, almost laughing but tried his best not too. Yes, I wore a flowered dress with some ankle boots thinking that maybe hoshi or seungkwan would like to have a day out or.. if I'm that lucky maybe joshua..

But there stood the annoying spirit in front of me.

"Can't a girl wear a dress?? Besides, I thought maybe hoshi or seungkwan was picking me up.. If I knew it was you I would just wear some pajamas instead." I blurted.

"Hoshi? Seungkwan? Nah I think you thought that weird american guy-"

"For the second time, he's not weird! and he's korean. He just lived there."

"Whatever. So since you're already so dressed up, let's go somewhere!!" with that, he marched to the bus stop.

"There goes my precious weekend.. Hmm I wonder how he told dokyeom about this? can dokyeom see him too?" I said to myself.


"Where are we going?" I asked, sitting beside him.

"Hmm Beach?" He smiled.

"Why so extra? I thought we're just gonna hang out at some cafe or just strolling in the mall something like that?"

"Wow! you totally have plans to spend time with me huh?" He smirked.

"I'm done talking to you." Rolling my eyes, he giggled. The bus came and yeah, we really did go to the beach.

"Waaaa pretty!!!" I exclaimed, taking my phone to take a picture. When I moved the frame towards Han, as expected he didn't appear in the camera. I sigh and shove it back inside.

Double Trouble || Yoon JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now