Chapter 25

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"Fine, only because I need good results." Yaoyorozu gave in, agreeing to finally study.

You sat back down on one of the meditation cushions Yaoyorozu placed down. You fixed and sorted the study material from the girl recently pushing them out of the way.

"Okay, can I see your practice test again?" You asked her.

She hesitantly handed you it, it was clear she was embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed, I'm the last person you should be embarrassed around. I'd never judge you." You politely and playfully scolded her.

She gave you a smile. After scanning through her work on the practice test you were able to find the areas she was struggling with.

"Lucky for you, I'm pretty good at hero law." You said pridefully.

"Y/n, you're good at every subject. That's what makes you so hard to surpass."

"You're still trying to surpass me huh?" You said with a chuckle.

"Of course, I won't stop until I get what I want. One of these days I will." She said with determination.

You smiled at her. "Okay okay, keep our focus on studying, not our rivalry."

"Yes, of course dear." She said, leaning closer next to you as you began to guide her through the subject.

After a few hours she seemed to completely grasp hero law. She's going to pass this with ease.

"You're going to ace it tomorrow." You said, closing your notebook.

"Hopefully, my freedom depends on it." She half joked.

"Even if you don't get a great result, which you will, but if you don't I swear I'll save you from the grasp of your parents."

"How cute." She blushed faintly.

"But for now we need sleep. I hadn't realized how late it's gotten. It's nice to finally have someone who will put up with studying for hours. I've tried with Denki once and I think he purposely used his quirk to get out of it.." She giggled at your last statement. You stood up after collecting all your books and putting them in your book bag.

"Why don't you sleep here with me tonight?" She offered before you could leave.

"Oh? Really. Well, I can't say no to that." You agreed.

"Good because I wouldn't take no for an answer."

"I figured." You chuckled and set your bag back on the ground.

"I'll grab you some clothes to sleep in." She said while digging through her mass amount of clothes.

"Do you really need all these clothes? Dear god there's so many." You announced in slight shock.

"Why of course, it takes effort to look this stunning, sweetheart." She winked and tossed you an oversized tee shirt.

"You still look like a million bucks without effort." You slipped the shirt on.

"Just a million?" She arched her brow.

"I.. Uh.." You paused, not expecting that reaction.

"Pft, I'm just kidding dear. You're too easy to tease." She giggled softly and kissed your cheek.

You blushed, she always has a way to bring warmth to your cheeks.

"Okay okay, enough chatting. I require my beauty sleep, if I don't have at least 8 hours I might commit a crime." She said and slipped into her fancy bed.

"Dramatic much." You mumbled, slipping into bed next to her.

"I heard that."

"Fully intended for you to hear."

"Whatever." She scoffed and pulled a sleeping mask over her face.

"You.. you actually wear one of those?" You said through giggles.

She pulled it back up and shot you a glare. "Yes."

"It's cute." You tried to contain your laughter.

"Tch, be a dear and turn off the light please. I can't reach." She pulled it back over her face and dramatically reached over you towards the lamp, not coming anywhere close to it.

"Okay okay." You said and smacked her hand away then leaned over and turned the light off. Darkness filled the room and you laid back on the pillow.

'God these pillows are literal clouds..' You thought in a comfortable bliss.

"Goodnight Y/n." Yaoyorozu said softly and snuggled herself into you.

"Goodnight, sleep well." You whispered and kissed her head, snuggling into her as well.

~ ~ ~

You were collecting your books, feeling happy that it was Friday. You lazily shovelled your papers into your book bag until two soft hands gripped themselves onto your shoulders from behind. Out of fear you jumped up like a startled cat, letting out a small squeal.

"Hehe, I'll never get tired of that." Yaoyorozu said.

You whipped around and shot her an angry glare. "I might have a heart attack and collapse one day, then what would you do?" You crossed your arms.

"Hm let's see.." She pondered.

"Okay don't actually-"

"Arrive at your funeral dressed up real fancy, let everyone know I'm real rich and newly single. Find a rich old person, marry them for their money, accidentally kill them, run away with their money and find a way to bring my dead girlfriend back." She explained in one breath.

"For the love of god- Breathe! Also the fact you have that specifically planned out is.. interesting.." You stared in concern.

"There's more to the story but i'll save that for later, the important thing right now is I totally aced the test! Look!" She excitedly shoved her test in your face.

Once her hand steadied you were able to read the grade she had received. 94%

"Yaomomo! That's great." You praised her.

She wrapped you in an embrace within seconds, practically suffocating you.

"I wouldn't have been able to pull it off without you and your brilliant mind!" She said cheerfully.

"Well you won't get any more help if you keep me in this choke hold." You huffed through struggled breaths.

She let go of you, letting your lungs re-inflate. "Oops, sorry~" She giggled.

"𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭" 𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭. Yaoyorozu x Fem!ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora