Chapter 8

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She dragged you to another store, but this one was a bit more fancy. She immediately went towards the section with a bunch of dresses, practically disappearing before your eyes. You shrugged and went to browse through the clothes. Not many caught your eyes but there were some nice outfits you wouldn't mind, but the price you would. Without warning Yaoyorozu scared you from behind.

"Boo!" She poked her head over your shoulder.

"Eek!" You yelped and turned around immediately.

"Heh. You're too easy to scare, it's cute." She giggled.

You held your chest in surprise, catching your breath. "One of these days I'm going to have a heart attack and die."

"Don't die on me just yet, you have to live to the day where I surpass you." She said with a grin.

"Keep dreaming." You muttered.

"Anyways, I found a cute dress. I need your opinion. Now come, I need to try it on." She pulled you to the dressing rooms.

You sat on a seat waiting for her to change. You heard the curtain move and Yaoyorozu jumped out wearing a cute dress. She spun around wearing the dress, a big smile on her face.

Butterflies immediately erupted in your stomach. "Woah." You muttered.

"How does it look?" She asked with a smile.

"Amazing. You should get it, it's definitely your colour and style." You nodded sharing your opinion.

"Alright i'll get it." She said and disappeared back into the changing room.

You waited for her to come out, which she did. She had the dress slung over her shoulder.

"Alright, that's one.." She muttered and disappeared again, looking for more clothes presumably.

You went back to browsing. You saw some clothes that caught your eyes and went to check it out. You began to look through the clothes when Yaoyorozu popped up on the other side.

You gasped in shock from either the proximity of how close she was to your face or just the fact that she scared you.

"I found something for you." She held a dress in her hands.


"Mhm, try it on!" She said excitedly and tossed it to you.

"I dunno.. It's not really me." You muttered.

"Just try. I think it'll look nice." She insisted.

"Okay fine." You said in defeat.

You took the dress and went into the changing rooms to try it on, while Yaoyorozu waited outside for you. You changed into it and stared at yourself in the mirror. You turned around in the dress, scanning over yourself. You weren't quite sure whether you liked it or not. You stepped out of the changing room to show Yaoyorozu. A smile tugged at her lips.

"It's okay I guess." You shrugged.

"What?! No way, that looks great on you." She complimented you.

"I'll get it then." You said with a smile and a bit more confidence. You went back into the changing room and changed back into your clothes. You looked at the price tag and your soul nearly packed it's bags and left.

"22,500¥!?" (Around 250$)

You walked out of the changing room with a pout. "It's a nice dress, with a not so nice price tag." You huffed as you walked past Yaoyorozu.

"Let me buy it for you." She said snatching the dress from you.

"What?! No, that's too expensive." You said trying to snatch the dress back.

She moved it around so you couldn't grab it back.

"It's like pocket change. Take it like paying you back for giving me your lunch.''

"Okay, if you insist.." You said feeling a bit bad.

She took her clothes and your dress and placed them on the cashier's counter. She paid for them and then you made your way back to the other store you had visited earlier. Yaoyorozu paid for her clothes once more, putting them all into bags.

"Here, let me take that." You said grabbing a couple bags off her, brushing her hand in the process. Her touch sent butterflies to your stomach each time, but you just brushed it off.

"Thanks." She said with a genuine smile.

You both walked for a little while, going into different stores and watching Yaoyorozu spend an unreasonable amount of yen.

"God I can't imagine what it's like having that much money." You muttered.

"Pardon?" She said, turning her head towards you.

"Oh, uhm.. Nothing."

She nodded in confusion. "Okay.. Anywho, I'm hungry, why don't we find some place to eat?" She suggested.

"Sure." You agreed with the girl's suggestion.

"There's a nice sushi place here, it's not too far." She began.

Before you could speak a scream echoed in the distance of the mall, a loud bang followed soon after.

"A villain!" A civilian yelled.

Yaoyorozu and you both turned to the area of the loud noise. Dust could be seen settling, soon a villain appeared from it. The villain held a black bag which was presumably filled with stolen items. By the looks of it, it was just some low and weak type villain. But any villain is a bad villain, therefore something must be done.

"Looks like company." You said, dropping shopping bags in front of Yoayorozu.

"Wait, what are you doing? We should wait until the heroes get here." She said trying to stop you.

"We are heroes, are we not?" You said giving her a smug look before dashing after the villain.

"𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭" 𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭. Yaoyorozu x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now