Was It Really Love?

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The morning soon came upon us, the sun letting itself shine through my window. Waking up, I grew confused to why Tanjirou was in my bed, but then I remembered out little encounter. My face went red, the feeling of having him as mine making my heart flutter with so much joy.

I stared at his face, seeing his cute puffy cheeks out as his mouth was open, drooling a bit. He looked so cute as he lightly snored against the pillow. I almost took a picture, but I couldn't move away from his grip against me.

I could feel all of him touching me, the warmth and comfort making me want to stay like that forever. But, sadly I could feel him move a bit as he groaned. He moved his head a bit, his arm on top of his face as he asked me what time it was. I simply answered that I didn't know as I pulled him into a hug.

"Can we stay like this for a bit," I asked out loud. Tanjirou nodded his head as he gave me the cutest smile the world had ever seen.

A few minutes later, we both got up. I will leave the rest up to your imagination since we were both still naked from last night. But don't get too dirty you perverts.

I decided I wanted to take a shower, so I gently tapped Tanjirous shoulder. "I'm going to take a shower," "Can I come," he asked, my face going red. We were literally standing here naked and yet I'm still embarrassed to take a shower with him. "You blush so easily Giyuu, I swear," I nodded in affirmation to his statement.

"Come on lover boy," I said, my face a light shade of pink as I waved my hand for him to follow me to the shower. "You give such mixed signals sometimes," he chuckled a bit, following me to the restroom.

Long story short, we washed each other and then got out. I covered myself in a towel and went to get my clothes as I left Tanjirou all alone to get him some of my clothes as well.

My hair was soaking wet, but I didn't bother to dry it as I put on underwear, a pair of sweatpants, and a random hoodie I found on the floor. As for Tanjirou, he deserved better than floor clothes. I went to my my closet and grabbed him my nicest shirt, nicest pants, and underwear I could find.

I passed it to him, watching him put it on. "Like what you see," "Oh shut up," I said, flustered. I moved over to the kitchen, getting some eggs so I could make omelettes. But, Tanjirou took them away from me as he started cooking breakfast. I just watched him make it at the small dining table I had, watching how every movement of his body flowed. God I'm so gay for him.

Soon, he wad finished. We ate in peace and then headed to his car to head to the hospital to visit Sabito.

Soft music played in the background as Tanjirou drove. Every once in a while the sounds of sirens or cars being heard. The entire trip, I held his hand in mine. It gave me a sense of joy and comfort.

When we got there, we held hands as we walked in together to the desk, asking to see how Sabito was doing. He seemed to be doing better when we reached his room. His face was looking full of life once again. A smile on his face welcomed us as we walked in. We sat down, his hand on my lap as we started talking to Sabito.

"What's up with the hands? Feeling extra friendly today," he snickered, a curious expression on his face. "I guess you could say that," Tanjirou smirked as he kissed my cheek.

Sabito's face went deathly pale, like he had just seen a ghost or the bane of his existence. "A-Are you guys dating," "I guess we are," I answered his question. "I'm so happy for you guys," Sabito said, a fake smile on his face.

The rest of the time, I could tell he was holding back tears as we talked to him. I'm not sure if Tanjirou noticed, but I knew something was up with him because he reminded me so much of myself.

I asked Tanjirou to leave so I could talk to Sabito in private a little bit before we were supposed to leave. He nodded and obliged to my request, giving me a peck on the cheek as he exited the room, leaving Sabito and I alone.

"Fess up, what's wrong," I said hastily, wanting to understand what was going on with him. "Nothing, it's fine," he simply said, looking down at his hands. I knew he was hiding something. He never acted this way before.

"Seriously, you have to tell me. You..." I then started mumbling really fast," have been my friend for a long time," I finished, hoping he heard me. "What was that," he asked giving me a cheeky smile as I repeated what I said, but a bit slower this time.

"You see, right there is the problem," he gave me a sad smile as I looked at him confused. "What do you mean," "I mean, you've barely known Tanjirou a long time and you're already dating him," Sabito said rather suddenly. I was still unsure how this was going to go as I watched him.

He sighed, starting to speak again. "I've known you since we were kids. We would play all the time as kids. I was there for you when your dad left, when your mom died. I went through it all with you, and yet you didn't love me. Not like you love him. You don't look at me the same way you look at Tanjirou. Why did you have to fall in love with him and not me," he was crying very hard, his voice getting hoarse as he started yelling towards the end of his explanation.

I wasn't sure what to do. I never knew anyone loved me. I always thought he was the annoying kid from my childhood. Of course I loved him, but it wasn't the same as with Tanjirou.

"I'm sorry," I simply said as I walked out of the door. I could hear him sobbing on the other side. I wanted to hug him, but something willed me to leave him and go to Tanjirou. It was like I couldn't face him

I walked back to Tanjirous car, my face obviously perplexed as Tan asked me what was wrong. "It's nothing really, I promise," I give him a small smile as I got in the car. "Okay, I won't push it," he said and I thanked him.

Happiness or Just a Dream? AU! Tanjirou x GiyuuWhere stories live. Discover now