Darkness and Light

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The start of a new day, yet it doesn't feel new to me. Everything has just blurred together, seemingly the same things happening over and over again. Such monotony shouldn't even exist, but I guess it's what I deserve after being the only one left alive. The only one to know what really happened. The one who knows why they left and why I'm still here. And I still don't understand how this world works. People are born and then they die. What's the point in living if you just suffer then die? And don't say that I'll find a reason to live when everything that's keeping me alive left. Now I'm just wallowing in my own self pity, what a wreck I am.

    "Hey Giyuu, whatcha reading," asked a classmate of mine, Sabito. I let out a sigh as I set the book that I was reading  down. And I just stared at him, nothing to say because I hadn't been reading, mostly just lost in thought. He stared back with no hidden intent shown in his eyes, just some curiosity peaking through.    

    "Giyuu, you gonna stare at my beautiful face all day or are you gonna answer me?" I looked away, wondering why he was even bothering talking to me. I never talked to people, yet this imbecile decides to always start a one-sided conversation with me. What a delusional person he is.

    I decided to get up and get away from him. There was no use in me just sitting there and listening to the man talk. I walked away, ignoring his calls for me to come back. I closed the door, hoping he wouldn't come out and chase after me, which thankfully, he didn't.

Walking away, I saw an underclassman getting attacked from some of the lunatics that thought they ran this school. The kid had fluffy reddish black hair and enchanting dark red eyes that held so much emotion in them. As well as a scar mark, which I assumed he got from an accident. He looked at me with such hope in his eyes, I felt the need to help.

Such idiocy shouldn't be tolerated. Why do people like that trash even exist?

I ran up to the one called "Wakuraba," and kicked him in his knees, hoping I could do something to get his attention away from the red-haired boy, since he was the one doing most of the beating. And it worked, somehow. I didn't do much damage, but it was enough to get that trash elf's attention on me.

He looked me up and down with a slight squint in his eye and a bit of blood-lust in his aura. I stared right at his X shaped scar, my gaze not wavering, not even when he tried to push me on the ground. I didn't budge, not because I was brave, more like because I was so scared that my body just didn't move.

I was usually the quiet kid, the kid that was aloof and passive-aggressive. The one who people just ignored, thinking that there was something wrong with me. I had never been in this kind of situation before. I'm usually the one being protected.

I snapped my head back to look at the imitation rapper's eyes. They were full of hatred, but a tint of envy as well. I then saw a mix of gray and red as he smacked me so hard that I knew I was bound to hit the floor with a loud 'thud'. I looked back at the kid as I fell, wondering where it all went wrong before I hit my head hard on the ground and passed out.
I awoke in a boring-ass room filled with white beds. Everything was hazy for me and I felt light-headed. It feels as though I'd been attacked by a gorilla. I technically was attacked by a gorilla, I thought as I stared at the ceiling.

"Are you awake," a quiet voice from my right asked. I shifted my head, getting a good look at who was talking to me. Realization had hit me as soon as I saw the tuft of red hair. It was the kid I tried to protect. "Are you okay," he gazed at me with such compassion in his eyes, "I can get you something to eat if you'd like!"

He had bruises all over his face, a black-eye, and a bloody lip from those jerk-wads.  He looked awful, and yet he was asking me if I needed anything. I didn't even know what to say, I was speechless. I ended up just staring at him, studying his features to get a better image of him.

He had whitish tanned skin that was so smooth, except for his hands that had been covered in blisters. His eyes were shut with wrinkles around them as he smiled, waiting for me to answer him. His nose was small, yet not too small. He had a scar that looked as if it was burned or etched into him. And his hair had been shoulder-length and flowing as the wind poured in through the window. He looked quite graceful and at peace, as though he had never been harmed in the first place.

I had been trying to think of a way to respond, but came up short. This is why I don't like talking, too much work just to think of one damn word or sentence to say.

"Uh," I started, Tanjirou opened his eyes awaiting my response. "I would like a Big Mac and-" I stopped myself, losing my shit as I had just said one of the most humiliating sentences in my life. He just laughed, while I was literally panicking and hyperventilating.

"My name's Tanjirou by the way," he stated after his laughter died down. I was still freaking out, but Tanjirou grabbed my head with his blistered hands and told me to calm down. I gawked into his deep red eyes, my body becoming still and my breaths becoming calm. How did he do that?

"I-, thank you," was all I was capable of saying to him, my face becoming stoic again. "So, ya still want a Big Mac?" I was still for a moment, pondering, then I shook my head up and down as if I was saying yes.

"Alright then, let's get you your Big Mac big guy," said Tanjirou, and at that moment I realized that he doesn't know my name.

"Giyuu. Giyuu Tomioka," I said silently, hoping he'd hear me. "What does that mean," he looked over at me with an idiotic expression on his face. I had just figured out that he was not the brightest tool in the shed.

"It's my name, idiot," I said, louder this time. He made an 'oh' shape with his mouth and walked out the door. After he closed the door, I silently chuckled at the dumb face he made. There was something so interesting about him, yet so plain. I can't explain it, but I knew that I would remember Tanjiro for years to come.

Happiness or Just a Dream? AU! Tanjirou x GiyuuМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя