Is he Okay?

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Tanjirou and I kept meeting up every day after school and even on weekends. But, this weekend was different. He had gotten a call from Sabito's mother saying to head to the hospital. Everything was playing out like it did back then.

We got in the car, Tanjirou driving as fast as he could to get there. The traffic was slow, as if God was stopping us from getting there. Tanjirou and I were both panicked, so we weren't talking at all. Not even when we stopped. It was a dead silence inside of the car, but honking chaos outside of it.

Finally, we made it to the hospital. We both immediately got out of his car, rushing inside to see his mother there waiting for us. She nodded to the nurse at the front desk and quickly pulled us with her to a hospital room where Sabito lay.

Sabito looked quite sickly. His skin was pale, his eyes dull, and his lips chapped. He looked like a fish that died from being on land. There were purple bags under his eyes and his lips blue. Yet, he was still kicking. A smile even lay on his face as we went inside to see him.

"Dude, you look fucked up," Tanjirou said, Sabito and I snickering a bit from his attempt at lightening the mood. It seemed like the mood of the room had indeed lit up as we went over to sit next to him.

    I poked at him, wanting to see what his temperature was like. He felt cold as well as looked like a ghost. He looked so exhausted.

"I have to tell you something," Sabito started, I interrupted. "It better not be cancer," I said in a snarky tone. The room fell silent as Sabito looked down, a few tears running down his face. I looked at him, shocked. Out of all of the things he could be suffering through, he had to get something as cliché as cancer. And now of all times.

I wasn't sure how to feel. I went numb in that instant, not feeling anything as I went silent. Sabito started speaking again, his voice quieter.

"I have cancer. Specifically, I have stage 3 lung cancer. I've been on treatment to get better. I'm on chemotherapy and I'm starting to get better. I know it's hard to believe, but as long as I'm here the doctor said I have a good chance of making it." He said it all so fast, like he was lying.

"Today, I got sicker than usual. I thought I was going to die and so did my mother and the doctors. So, we called you in case I didn't make it, but my body is now taking the chemotherapy and the tumor inside of my lung has grown smaller," he stated, all of it making sense to why he got worse. He was crying the whole time, obviously we was in pain.

"Well I'm glad you're still here with us," Tanjirou stated as he squeezed Sabito's shoulder in a comforting way. I was still looking down, I was unable to move. I blocked them out, my mind whirling as I thought back to everything. From the first time I ever noticed something was amiss to being in the hospital room with him. He didn't look better, no he looked worse. Did they lie to him so he die comfortably? Or will he get worse before he gets better. I don't really know, but I couldn't handle being in that hospital room anymore.

I excused myself, apologizing as I slowly walked out. My whole face was blank as my breathing got heavier. I was getting dizzy as I held my head and kept walking. My breathing getting quicker and heavier as I finally made it outside. I sat on a nearby bench, starting to curl up as tears came out of my eyes. I was having another panic attack. They were normal at this point because something always had to lead me to having them.

I couldn't stop it and it made the anxiety worse from having the feeling of people watching me. I kept hearing people whisper around me, the voices getting louder and louder as I held my head, trying to keep them from getting louder. My whole body was so tired, my face covered in tears. But, then I saw something. No, I saw someone. He grabbed my face, smacking me to try and get me out of it but it just made me wince and cry more.

He realized he was wrong in his way to go about it. Instead, he took my chin and forced me to look into his eyes. Then, slowly inched closer to me as he laid his lips on top of mine. It wasn't much, but it snapped me out of my attack fast as I pushed him away. I ran my hand through my hair, my other hand touching my lips as I realized what transpired.

"Why," I slowly asked, my face all red. That was my first kiss, no less with a guy. A guy just kissed me. No. My best friend who is a male just kissed me.

"I don't know- I thought it would help," he tried to explain himself. His face was beet red as well as he kept stuttering on his words. "How about we talk about this later," I questioned as he nodded.

"Any news," I asked as Tanjirou held my hand. "The Doctor said that his tumor is small enough to take out during surgery now. It's down 50 percent which is a lot apparently. He'll be getting the surgery next week," he stated as I took it all in. I was relieved to hear those words. But I still wonder why he got worse then suddenly got better. I tried not to think too much on it as we went inside to say our goodbyes.

"We'll be visiting every day until you're all better," Tanjirou said as we walked out. He put his hand on my back to make sure I wouldn't leave his side as he led me to the car. The car ride home was silent as I took a short nap from exhaustion.

When I came to, I was outside of the apartment building in Tanjirous car as he took the keys out. He walked me inside. "I'm not leaving you," he said as he laid down on the small couch I had. He patted a seat next to him. I went over and sat down, not really prepared to talk about the kiss or anything really.

"Do you get them often," Tanjirou looked into my eyes as he asked me. I nodded my head in silence as his mouth made an 'O' shape. "Tell me when you get them so I can help," he said as he turned his body to face me, my head going down as I couldn't keep it up anymore. I was so exhausted from all of the memories coming back to seeing Sabito in the hospital. I couldn't take it anymore. That's when my body gave out and whole body collapsed on top of Tanjirous out of exhaustion.

"Guess we're not talking about the kiss tonight," he said aloud, sighing as he grabbed the blanket that was on his side of the couch and unfolded it to place on top of my body. I was at peace as my mind started going blank. No scenarios about me marrying fictional me- I mean women tonight. Just sleep. Only sleep.

Happiness or Just a Dream? AU! Tanjirou x GiyuuWhere stories live. Discover now