"This is amazing baby" Niall said and I couldn't help but flush at the word 'baby'. I like the sound of it coming from his mouth. It makes me feel special.  It makes me really feel that he really loves me and I'm the only boy in his world.

"Why aren't you eating yet? You do know that if you don't eat right now, I'll be finishing this in seconds" Niall said, grabbing a handful of pie and stuffing it in his mouth.

"I'm sorry. I just like it when you call me baby" I admitted.

"Well that's because you are my baby, my one and only" Niall said leaning forward to kiss me again and I smiled as I tasted apple pie on his lips.

"You're good at this mushy couple stuff" I said as he pulled away. "I thought you never had an actual boyfriend?"

"I didn't" Niall said, shrugging "I just do what I think feels right"

"Do you think it would feel right if I kissed you?"

"I know it will" he said and I smiled before leaning and kissing him again. We pulled away when we heard a gasp. I looked around and saw around 3 kids staring at us.

"What are you guys doing here?" Niall asked softly and I recognized them as a couple of the few kids who were chasing Niall around.

"Did you just kiss?" a little girl asked, looking at me and Niall.

"Yes" Niall admitted "is there anything wrong with kissing?"

"My mum and dad kiss a lot. Are you guys married?" the shortest boy among them asked.

"No, we're just boyfriends and girlfriends but hopefully one day, we will" I said, smiling at him.

"Don’t forget have children! You should have children so that we can play with them as well!" another boy said causing Niall to chuckle.

"We'll try" Niall said, a sparkle clear in his eyes.

"I think you're both really cute and you'll have cute children" the little girl said once again and I smiled as Niall intertwined his fingers with mine. 

"Jessie, Matty and Donny! Are you disturbing strangers again!?" a woman around 30 who I assume is their mother said as she came walking towards us.

"We just wanted to know if they were married" Jesse, the little girl, said innocently. Their mother looked at Niall and I before her eyes landed on her hands and realization dawned upon her face.

"Let's go, they're on a date and people don't like being disturbed when they're on dates" their mom said.

"It's fine, really. You've got really adorable kids" Niall said, smiling at the woman who was surprised by his accent.

"I'm really sorry about them, go on then" The lady said, nodding at her children who in return, decided to scamper around and build sand castles instead.

The lady smiled at us one last time and said "I hope the both of you stay strong" before leaving to walk over to her children.

"Even strangers support us, I think it's a sign that we're truly made to be" Niall said, rubbing his nose affectionately against mine while simultaneously eating his piece of chicken.

"I love you" I breathed out.

"I love you too" Niall said.

After we, mostly Niall, finished our picnic, I lied down on the blanket and Niall did the same except he buried his face onto my neck and I let my heart flutter every time he breathes against my skin.

I squinted as the sunlight hit my face and Niall just buried himself onto me once more.

"How's this for a first date as a couple?" I asked.

"Amazing" Niall murmured, gently showering my neck with kisses.

I hummed in approval while he continued kissing me.

"Want to go for a swim? It's getting pretty hot" Niall said, pulling away and I had to stop myself from whimpering at the loss of his lips.

"Sure, let me just fix this up" I said, sitting back up as I started to return the plates onto the basket.

"I'll be waiting" Niall said, giving me a peck and quickly running towards the crashing waves. I chuckled a bit and continued fixing everything until I felt a shadow looming over me.

I looked up and realized that an older blond chick was staring at me and saying that she was hot would be an understatement. She was wearing nothing but red matching bikini top and bottom and she was smiling at me cheekily.

"Hello" she said eyeing me up and down and I suddenly felt slightly self conscious.

"Hi" I said, if I didn't have a boyfriend right now, I would be totally hitting on her.

"Date with your girlfriend?" she asked, nudging her head to the picnic basket.

"Nope, with my boyfriend" I said and I could clearly see the disappointment in her face.

"Anyways, I'm Taylor, one of the life guards in this beach. It's the first time I've seen you here" she said.

"Oh but it's my third time to be here. Nice to meet you Taylor, I'm Harry" I said, simply nodding at her because I don't really feel like shaking her hand.

"I just thought you were cute and single” she said.

"Well you're certainly right about the first statement" I said, winking at her and feeling guilty. 

Suddenly, I heard someone screaming from the ocean, "HELP! PLEASE! I'VE GOT CRAMPS!" and as soon as I recognized the voice, I started running towards the water.

"NIALL!" I shouted as I saw my blond boyfriend flapping his arms and splashing around the water, I was about to run in when someone pushed me back and swam to him instead. 

The boy made his way to Niall and I can tell that he's trying to tell Niall to calm down. As soon as Niall lessened his flapping, the boy wrapped his arms around Niall and started swimming back to the shore.

He laid Niall down on the sand and started massaging his feet. While I walked over to Niall's side.

"You okay baby?" I asked as I caressed his face.

"H-Harry" he breathed out, taking my hand in his.

"Do you feel better now?" the boy asked and Niall nodded.

"Thanks uhm, what's your name?" Niall asked.

"My name is Justin, I'm one of the life guards here alone with Taylor" The boy said and I noticed that he looked slightly younger the Taylor.

"Thanks Justin, I shouldn't have run immediately after eating" Niall chuckled, looking at me apologetically.

"It’s alright babe" I chuckled while shaking my head.

"You guys are...together?" Justin asked, eyeing us both.

"Yep" Niall said, smiling fondly and giving my hand a squeeze.

"Oh" Justin said and he didn’t even try to hide the disappointment in his voice and facial expression.

"Let's go swim Harry! I promise I'll be careful" Niall said, letting go of my hand and standing up. He gave one last nod to Justin before looking back at me and smiling. 

I smiled back at him but I noticed at the corner of my eyes that Justin was watching the both of us and was eyeing Niall's body hungrily. I tried my best not to scoff. No one can look at Niall's body except me!

I wrapped my arm around his waist as we made our way towards the ocean slowly. I looked back at Justin and I can see that he's glaring at me. I smirked and gave Niall a kiss on his cheek.

Time to show the world who belongs to whom.

Summer Love (Narry)Where stories live. Discover now