Baby Momma || Draco Malfoy

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"How excited are you?" Hermione asked.

Y/n placed her hand to her baby bump which was almost showing, "I'm excited can't believe I'm having twins."

"I still can't believe you're having a baby girl and baby boy."

Y/n laughed and so did Hermione, "I don't know how Draco will take in so much."

"Yeah and you should call one Harry," Harry said as he came from behind Hermione.

"You really want Draco to kill himself," y/n said laughing.

"I heard my name," Draco said as he came behind y/n and placed his hands on her belly bump.

Harry wrapped an arm around Hermione and planting a kiss on her forehead.

"When are you two having a baby Potter,?"

Hermione was shocked and shrugged her shoulders and so did Harry.

Rita Skeeter was walking through the hallways and heard the news. She walked quicker and headed to Professor Dumbledore's office.

"Just crazy Professor. Babies at Hogwarts.?"

Profesor Snape was in the office when Rita walked in. Shortly Draco and y/n walked in which made it even awkward.

"Is there a problem with that Rita?" Professor Snape asked.

Rita quill was writing everything down. Rita then noticed y/n and Draco behind her.

"Come with me you two and Professor Snape to find the poor young girl who's pregnant."

Y/n eyes widen and so did Draco's. Rita was so into finding who this girl was.

"That "poor young girl" you mention Rita would have to be my daughter," Professor Snape said with his hand out for y/n to walked towards him.

Draco then stepped up to Rita, "I believe you should mind your own business."

"Then you must be the father," Rita said.

Draco grabbed Rita's quill, "yes and do you have a problem with that?"

Draco then drew the quill to the floor and walked towards y/n placing a hand on her bump.

Rita picked up her quill, "I guess I should leave then."

"You should," Professor Dumbledore said.

"And I better not see a report on my daughter's pregnancy or you will have to deal with me. Understand?"

Rita nodded and walked out of the office. Y/n and Draco took a deep breath in and out.

"No worries y/n. Everything will be okay," Professor Dumbledore said, "now tell me the genders."

Draco smiled, "boy and girl."

Professor Snape hugged y/n and they continued to talk about y/n's pregnancy and how everything is going at home.

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