Friends To Lovers || Tom Felton

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You're in the Harry Potter cast since the 4th movie and time starts to past faster than you thought. 

Y/N and Tom were on set for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Y/N was with the Slytherins until the director sad cut. It was their lunch break and Tom sat with Daniel and Emma for an interview. 

"Today we have Tom Felton, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson," the interviewer said. 

They all smiled and the interviewer spoke to them about the new movie. They kept the conversation going. 

"We noticed there's a new girl on set that plays Draco's love interest, how is  it working with her?"

Tom smiled and Emma gave him a nudge to his arm with her elbow and Daniel gave a laugh. 

"Y/N is her name and she plays Samantha on set. Her and  became close friends and she's a good actress."

Emma smiled, "She's really sweet and beautiful."

Daniel joined in, "Y/N is that type of person you don't want to miss out becoming her friend. Y/N is very friendly and caring on set and off set."

They continued to talk and Tom's face looked a little different after talking about Y/N.

"Do you think that love interest between Draco and Samantha could become real?"

Tom giggled and Emma and Daniel looked at him for his answer, "well, I could see it can, but we could never be more than friends. We're friends and I believe that's how it'd going to stay."

Emma chuckled and rolled her eyes and Daniel gave him a 'are you serious' face. 

---Premiere Day for Goblet of Fire---

Tom and Y/N got out of the limo and the rest of the cast followed. Daniel, Rupert and Emma walked together as Tom and Y/N walked together. Fans were cheering, holding up posters, books and signs. 

Everyone greeted fans, took pictures, signed everything shown their way and walked down the red carpet. Tom placed his hand on Y/N back so she wouldn't fall back as she stepped back from the crowd and fixed her dress. Everyone got together for a group picture before heading to the interviewers. 

"Welcome Tom and Y/N, is that correct?" The interviewer said as Y/N approached them while Tom's hand still on her back. 

"It sure is!"

"It's been a while of filming and how does it feel?"

"I feel good, because I got to work with the old cast again and with a new lady as my love interest."

Tom smiled and Y/N hugged Tom and smiled at him.

"Before they asked you a question, but Y/N wasn't there at the moment," the interviewer said. 

"Are you two a couple?"

Y/N and Tom looked at each other and smiled. 

"Because you both had been spotted in different locations together? So is it true?"

Tom took a deep breath in and out and smiled, "Well yes, we are.  never thought it could happen until it happened."

"I'm glad we gave each other a chance," Y/N said as she looked at Tom and they both giggled. 

---Years Later---

Tom and Y/N were invited to The Tonight Show. Y/N sat next to Tom and smiled at him before the show started again.

"Welcome back, tonight once more we have Tom Felton and Y/N on set. The couple sensation of the year."

Tom smiled at the comment that Jimmy said. Tom then placed a hand over Y/N's shoulder. 

"We see your love spark hasn't ended and still glowing stronger since the beginning."

"Yes, and many people might think that, but we have had our ups and downs, but we always work together. After many years."

"Your 5 year anniversary is today?" Jimmy asked. 

Tom sat up a little more straighter and moved his arm that was around Y/N's shoulder and placed it on her thigh. 

"Yes it is, and it's been the best 5 years of my life," Tom said and the crowd cheered. 

Y/N looked at the crowd and smiled. Tom then got up and kneeled in front of Y/N. 

"5 years is a long time, but I rather have forever with you Y/N. Will you marry me, my darling?"

Y/N covered her mouth and tears rolled down her face and she nodded. Tom grabbed her hand and placed the ring on her finger. Everyone cheered and clapped for them. Tom pulled her up and placed a kiss on her lips. Forever was going to be forever together. 

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