Too Far || Draco Malfoy

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Y/N was listening to the radio in the Slytherin common room until it was time to head to the great hall. Y/N hasn't been feeling herself after her father Professor Snape passed away.

The Malfoy family took care of her and didn't wanted their names to be called on the radio for deaths found.

Draco wasn't having it when Y/N kept listening when it wasn't her family but his.

"Don't you think I'm listening too? Don't you think I know how this feels?" Y/N yelled as she was walking inside the great hall and everyone was staring.

Harry and Hermione looked at them as they fought. Pansy and Blaise looked as well as their best friends were yelled at each other making a scene in the great hall.

"No, you don't know how it feels Y/N," Draco yelled back and Pansy and Blaise got out of their seat and headed their way, "Cause your father is dead."

Y/N turned around and looked at Draco with tears in her eyes and running down her cheeks. Pansy saw the disappointment in her eyes.

Y/N walked up to Draco and pushed and punched his chest and ran off crying. Blaise turned Draco around to face him.

"What the hell man," Blaise said.

"You took it to far Draco," Pansy said as she tried to run after Y/N

"I didn't meant to," Draco said.

"You better go clear things off with YOUR girlfriend before there's any consequences."

Y/N had run up to the astronomy tower and held on to the rail. Y/N cried and looked up at the sky wishing her father was still here.

"He's right. I should join you father," Y/N said as she played with her family ring she had on, "there's no world without you here."

Draco knew were Y/N was. Y/N got on the railing think of what she was going to do. Draco got up to the final step and saw Y/N on the railing and ran towards her and pulled her down towards him.

Draco wrapped his arms around her, "I'm sorry my love. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I love you."

It was the first time that Draco had said I love you to Y/N and she hugged him back and cried into his shoulder. Everything different but nothing was going to change the love Draco felt for Y/N not even a fight between them.

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