It's You? || Draco Malfoy

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After the war, you left leaving everyone behind especially Draco. Everyone thought you were dead. 

Y/N walked near Malfoy Manor and saw Draco, he looked different. A girl walked in through the gates and kissed Draco on the cheek and they walked inside. Y/N looked down and back up clutching the letter in her hand and leaving it in the mailbox. 

The next day, Draco walked to the front of the manor and grabbed the mail. I thought about how everything changed and wished Y/N wasn't dead and a letter from her would come. Then as he was looking through the mail he saw a letter addressed to him. 

Dear Draco, 

It's been a long time without seeing each other and I think it's time to see each other again. But only if you are willing too. I missed you over the years, but if you meet me at the park near Malfoy Manor at 8 and I promise I will tell you everything. 

Sincerely, Y/N Snape

Draco was shocked in what he had just read. He closed the letter and placed it inside his suit and headed back inside with the mail. 

"Everything okay Draco?" his mother asked as she was walking down the stairs, "you look like you saw a ghost."

"I'm fine, mother. I will be headed out tonight. Don't mind waiting."

Narcissa smiled and grabbed the mail from Draco's hands and headed to the study where Mr. Malfoy was at. Draco ran up the stairs and closed the door. He took the letter from his pocket and read it once more. 

"This has to be a joke," Draco said to myself and saw the time it was only 5 p.m.

---8 p.m. at the park---

Draco got to the park and sat on a bench, and he thought this had to be a joke and that he should go home. Shortly afterwards a female figure approached him. Y/N sat next to him and pulled her hoodie off and looked at Draco. 

"No.. this can't be Y/N died in the war," Draco said in shocked as he stared into Y/N's eyes. 

Y/N smiled and placed a hand on top of Draco's hand, "I didn't die Draco. I'm still here."

Draco grabbed her hand and may small circles and felt it real, "You're here."

"I'm here Draco and I'm not leaving again," Y/N said and placed a hand on Draco's cheek.

He smiled at her and pulled her in for a kiss, and once he pulled back tears ran down his face. 

"Don't cry love, I'm glad to see you and I know Scorpius and Daphne will be happy to see you."

Draco looked confused as he wiped his tears, "Who are they? Scorpius and Daphne?"

Y/N smiled and looked into Draco's eyes, "they are our children."

"I lied about my death because I was pregnant with them. My father and your father told me to run and be away until everything was safe."

Draco placed his hand on Y/N's cheek and smiled. 

"Then I saw you with Astoria Greengrass and I knew you might had moved on already that's why  left the letter."

Draco then grabbed both of Y/N's hands and kissed them, "I never moved on, I was only friendly to her because of mother. But you are the only one I want and I was in pain for years knowing you were gone. But you're here with me and that will never change. 

Y/N smiled, "now we can be a family. You, me and the children."

Draco smiled and they left to see their children and take them to Malfoy Manor. Narcissa and Lucius met their grandchildren and everything became whole again. Draco was a father and that's something that filled his life with joy. A family was reunited and a happily ever after was made.  

Future || Draco Malfoy & Tom FeltonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant