Liar || Draco Malfoy

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"Professor Dumbledore."

"Yes Miss y/l/n?" Professor Dumbledore said as he stopped halfway to his office and y/n catch up to him. 

"I won't be able to to be at Hogwarts for a while causing I have to taking care of my mother," Y/n said and trying not to shed a tear. 

"Is there anything we can do for you Miss y/l/n?" 

Y/n shook her head no and pursed her lips together and Professor Dumbledore understood and walked away. Y/n then walked down to the Slytherin common room to pack. 

"Hey y/n," Draco said and y/n wiped her tears away and turned to face him and smiled. 

"Hey love," y/n said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

"What to grab dinner?" Draco said as he looked into her eyes and she shook her head no.

"Is everything okay love?" Draco asked concerned. 

"I have to go. I won't be in Hogwarts for a while. My mother is sick and I have to be there for her."

Draco saw a tear roll down y/n's cheek and Draco wiped it off, "hey it's okay. I will be here for you always."

Y/n smiled at his words and planted a kiss on his lips and headed upstairs to her dorm to pack. 

*8 months later* 

Y/n came back to Hogwarts after losing her mother. She couldn't have any feelings, but only towards Draco. 8 months without him and she was happy to be back to see him. 

"Miss y/l/n. I'm so sorry for your lost," Professor Snape said and y/n slightly smiled and walked away. 

Everyone stopped y/n in the hallways tp speak to her and she would just slightly smile and walk away. Y/n then reached the Slytherin common room and placed her stuff in her dorm and decided to surprise Draco. 

Y/n walked towards Draco's dorm and stopped halfway when she heard Draco say 'I love you.'

Y/n opened the door and noticed Draco in bed with another woman, kissing her and giving her the pleasure she use to have from him. 

"So all the time you would say I love you were a lie?"

Draco was shocked and got up and looked at y/n as she was crying non stop. 

""You lied to me!" y/n screamed and everyone turned their heads to y/n on the doorway on Draco's dorm. 

"Y/n please, it's not what it looks like."

Draco can towards y/n and tried to place his hand on her arm and y/n moved back and pointed at him, "Lies! We are over!"

Y/n walked away and headed towards her dorm slamming the door and sat by the window crying. Y/n never thought she was going to lose two people the same month. Y/n just started to think about her mother and mostly Draco and all the memories. 

Y/n started to think if she was the right one for Draco, but then brought herself to reality and knew she wasn't the right one for him and headed off to bed and hope that tomorrow will be a better day. 

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