Love || Tom Felton

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A little backstory; Y/N is a famous actress and model who would appear in a new television series Mafia: Los Angeles. Y/N plays the main female lead role and Tom Felton plays the kidnapped husband and leader of the Mafia. 

"Can you believe that the already 3 seasons are already over and all the support we are getting?"

Tom looked at Y/N as she placed her earring on and looked in the mirror and smiled at him. Tom walked closer and fixed his tie as Y/N was applying so lipstick. 

"And for more seasons to come," Tom said with a smile, "but let's hurry we wouldn't want the fans nor Jimmy to be waiting for the interview."

Y/N grabbed her purse from the counter of her vanity in her hotel room and headed out linking her arm with Tom's. 

"I'm nervous," Y/N said as she clutched her purse tighter in her hand that was linked on with Tom's arm and Tom placed a hand over her's. 

"It's normal most for a new famous actress and model," Tom said with a smile as they headed to the elevator. 

Fans were pilling outside with posters, pictures, and even gifts for them. Tom then let go of Y/N when the elevators opened and walked over to the bodyguards that were waiting to escort us to the tonight show. The bodyguards protected both Tom and Y/N as they headed to the limo that was parked outside. Before they got in, they signed, took pictures, and accepted the gifts of the fans. 

"That felt good," Y/N said as she got in the car and Tom behind her and closing the door. 

"Yes, but we are running late," Tom said with a laugh and they headed out to the show. 

When they arrived the same thing happened outside the building with fans and they did the same thing over again. Shortly afterward they headed inside and retouched themselves in the dressing room before making their entrance to the studio. 

"Please welcome Tom Felton and Y/N to the studio," Jimmy Fallon said and everyone cheered as the doors opened and they both came in. 

People screamed 'I Love You Tom' and Tom smiled and blew a kiss to the crowd. Tom sat down and Y/N sat right next to him with her legs crossed. 

"Before we even get started, I just want to say congratulation to both for the start of a new series that if I'm being honest I begin watching over and over." 

Tom and Y/N laughed and smiled. 

"Glad you're enjoying it as well as the fans," Tom said. 

"So before we continue to talk about the series, many people have this question for you Y/N."

Y/N placed her hands on her knee and smiled, "And what question would that be?"

"Wel we know that Tom is single and you two have great chemistry in the show. So everyone is wondering are you single to make this chemistry real?"

Tom smiled and slid his hand over his mouth and chin while Y/N smiled and blushed. 

"It's true we have great chemistry because we been together over the time of 3 seasons already and to answer your last question, I'm not single. I'm actually taken."

Everyone in the crowd oohed and Y/N smiled at the crowd. Tom looked over at Y/N and back to Jimmy. 

"So is there nothing going on between you, just friends?"

Tom smiled and Y/N looked over at him and Tom faced Y/N and back to Jimmy once more, "Is this what people are asking," Tom said with a giggle. 

Jimmy nodded and the whole crowd was ready to hear what he had to say. Tom then placed his hand over Y/N's hand that was resting on her knee. 

"Well, this person is my love," Tom said while looking into Y/N's eyes. 

Everyone in the crowd awed and Y/N blushed once more. 

"Y/N is your love?" Jimmy questioned as he interlocked his hands together as he looked at Tom and Y/N looking at each other lovingly. 

"I like to think it is, and I know she thinks the same," Tom said. 

"Is it true Y/N?" Jimmy asked. 

"Yes, because Tom is the one I'm taken to. He is my love."

The crowd cheered and Jimmy did the same. The show went on in questions about the show, the relationship between Tom and Y/N as well as a game or two within the conversations. 

After the show, Tom and Y/N walked out and nobody was near and they got closer than they were this evening. 

"Tonight was amazing," Tom said as he wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist and pulling her closer to him. 

Y/N placed her arms around his neck, "It sure was. Now the world knows about us."

Tom nodded and smiled. Y/N looked into Tom's eyes and he did the same before he moved closer and place a kiss on her lips before he deepens the kiss a bit more as their bodies collided together. 

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