Draco's Girl || Draco Malfoy

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Y/n was walking with Blaise and Pansy to the Slytherin common room. Blaise wrapped his arm around Pansy and y/n felt like a third wheel. She heard them giggle and she rolled her eyes. 

"When are you going to tell Draco that he is better off with you then with Greengrass?" Pansy asked. 

Y/n started to think what  if she did tell him and everything goes wrong afterwards, "I don't think I'll ever tell him. He has a girlfriend and I'm not getting involved." 

"Y/l/n, you need to tell him, before it's too late," Blaise said. 

Y/n nodded her head and they finally reached the common room. Pansy and Blaise walked towards a couch and sat together and y/n looked around and spotted Draco. 

She smiled towards him and he smiled back, but his smile shortly faded when I felt the presence of Astoria behind me entering the common room. Y/n watched as she walked towards Draco and kissed his lips making y/n feel lonely and jealous. 

Y/n then sat at a desk to wander with her wand making little figures come to live as she thought about Draco. Draco loved her, but Astoria wasn't. She was with him because y/n told her that she was crushing on Draco. 

Y/n watched over as she saw Draco and Astoria sitting in the other couch in front of Pansy and Blaise. Astoria then got up and headed to the restroom. Draco found it was a good time to go speak to y/n. 

"Hey y/n," Draco said with a smile.

"Hey Draco," y/n said as she got up and smiled. 

Right then y/n looked over Draco's side and spotted Astoria watching them and y/n looked at Draco and back down. Shortly y/n walked away leaving towards her dorm and Draco left like he did something bad since they were close since their first year. 

It was time for lights out, but before that y/n grabbed a book to do her late night reading when she heard talking that turned into yelling. Y/n decided to walked down and stopped halfway when she spotted it was Draco and Astoria fighting again. 

"You are just a game to me, and I'm tried of this," Astoria yelled and walked away. Y/n hid and Astoria walked past her. 

Draco then walked towards his dorm and y/n ran behind him. Y/n pulled his arm and he turned around and noticed tears in Draco's eyes. Draco noticed who it was and hugged her and y/n hugged him back. 

"What am I doing wrong y/n?"

Y/n pulled away from the hug and picked Draco's chin up and wiped his tears away, "Dray you're not doing nothing wrong. "

"But I love her," Draco said and that broke y/n's heart into million pieces because now she knows that she won't have a chance with him. 

"I just mess up everything and there's no point in love if she's not around."

"That's enough, I can't do this anymore," y/n said as a tear fell down her cheek and Draco noticed. 

"I love you Draco. I have since day one and I know I won't ever get a chance because you ended loving her. Her. The one person who doesn't care for you because she only started dating you because I told her first that I like you. She only did it to make me jealous. And it kills me every time you're with her."

Draco slightly smiled and hugged y/n, "really?"

Y/n pulled away from the hug and looked into Draco's eyes, "Yes. And I couldn't go another day without telling you because I love you."

"I guess I'll have to let her go and move on," Draco said and y/n nodded, "Thank you y/n for being with me since day one. Maybe one day I can end up loving you and share a life with you."

Y/n smiled and Draco kissed her forehead and walked to his dorm and y/n smiled and left to her dorm. Y/n thought about Draco's words and hoped that the day comes around soon and there won't be anything to stop them from loving each other. 

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