Baby? || Draco Malfoy

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Before the Hogwarts Battle, y/n and Draco had their last moment together as Draco had to leave everything behind as his family wanted him to join the dark side or they will kill y/n. Draco had no choice, but to leave and y/n had to stop looking for him. 

After the battle of Hogwarts y/n was at the cemetery watching her father's grave. Tears ran down her cheeks as she couldn't be there with him when he died. Professor Snape wasn't loved by the students, but he was sure loved by his daughter. Afterwards y/n kissed her hand and placed the kiss on her father's grave and walked away. 

As she walked through town, she bumped into a tall person causing her to hold her stomach and chest. The person held her as y/n gained her balance back. 

"I'm sorry I should've seen where I was going," the man said and y/n knew who's voice that was and slowly looked from the man's feet up to his eyes. 

There she knew she was right. Y/n had bumped into the love of her life and it broke her knowing she hid herself after the battle. 


"Draco," y/n said as she looked into Draco's eyes and slightly smiled. 

"Omg," Draco said and  pulled y/n into a hug and when he pulled away he noticed y/n's bump, "you're pregnant?"

Y/n nodded and Draco thought the baby might not be his so his hopes didn't go up. Y/n noticed and grabbed Draco's hand and placed it on her bump. 

"The baby is yours," y/n said and smiled. 

Draco smiled and a tear ran down his cheek. It has been eight months without the touch of each other that a spark light between them. 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't had left you," Draco said and y/n hugged him and forgave him because it wasn't his fault. It was Voldemort's fault, but he is finally gone and they were able to be together. 

As they catch up on their lost time, suddenly y/n felt a pain under her stomach and water flown. Y/n felt weak and looked down and noticed her water broke. Y/n placed her hand under her bump and Draco noticed and held y/n. 

"Hey, hey you will be alright okay?" Draco said. 

Y/n nodded and held back from screaming in pain and Draco helped her into his car to drive to the nearest hospital. Y/n felt the contractions closer and closer and couldn't take it anymore. Y/n screamed and Draco finally reached the hospital and got out quickly and ran inside and grabbed help and help came running to y/n. 

They checked y/n's bump and entrance and noticed the baby was crowning and it was time. 

"There's no time, people bring me everything needed for a labor delivery now!" A nurse yelled. 

Draco placed his hands on the back of his head and thought about everything of lost time and their baby coming to this world. Y/n started pushing and pushing as the nurses and doctor helped deliver the baby. The baby was finally out and the crying started. Y/n and Draco cried tears of joy as they heard their baby cry. 

"It's a baby boy," the nurse said and they helped the baby and y/n into a room after delivered the placenta. 

Hours later y/n was in a room and the baby was in the hospital crib. Draco picked the baby up as y/n woke up and noticed Draco with the baby in arms. Y/n smiled. 

"Scorpius," y/n said. 

"What?" Draco said and looked at y/n as he bounced the baby in his arms. 

"That's his name. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy."

Draco smiled and walked towards y/n and sat next to her and handed the baby in her arms and he planted a kiss on her head. They were now the perfect family they dreamed to be. Starting their relationship from the third year, broken up and finally back together as a family. 

Future || Draco Malfoy & Tom FeltonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ