Y/N Felton || Tom Felton

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Tom was walking down to a friend's house when he was bombed by many paparazzis.

"Tom tell us about y/n. What happened to her?"

Tom stopped have way from his walk and looked at everyone, "that's personal so please. I'm asking nicely. Let me spend my day free from you guys. Thanks."

Tom walked away from the paparazzis and reached his destination. His friend opened the door and he walked inside. They had a few chats and drinks. Tom smiled for the first time in a while. His friend invite more of Tom's friend and a party started. Tom was feeling himself.

"Hey guys, I have to go, but I'll catch up next time," Tom said and said goodbye before leaving.

As he walked home he felt a presence he had never felt before. But he knew.

Days passed by and rumors started to flow about y/n and Tom. Tom had enough of the rumors and started a live. Just like every live he has done on Instagram, he would play a song on his guitar. He would play the song and look up to a certain spot.

His fans noticed and his expression changed, but he continued with the song. Afterwards he started to read some questions and compliments he had received. He smiled and nodded at some.

One comment was asking about y/n. Tom took a deep breath in and out and shook his head.

"I will tell you guys about y/n."

Tom placed his guitar down and moved closer to the camera.

"Now you will know that their was a woman in my life called y/n. Who saved me in every moment of despair I had."

Tom rubbed the back of his neck as he was nervous in telling his story about y/n.

"She saved me in a way that every person can be saved. She was my true love."

His comments started to blow up even more after what he said. Tears started to form and he didn't wanted to cry.

"I will be honest with this. I'll never love anybody us in the way I loved y/n."

Tom leaned back on his chair and rubbed his eyes as they were very watery.

"She passed away recently and now I live for her. So if you guys can. Please don't listen to the rumors about y/n."

Tom got closer once more to the camera and his eyes were red.

"Y/n passed away and I'm learning once more how to live my life without my rock and soulmate."

Before Tom ended his life he said one last thing, "if you see me in the streets. Please know that I'm not being rude or anything. It's just hard at the moment."

Tom ended his live and broke down in tears. He walked to the balcony with a picture of y/n in hand.

"I miss you so much darling," Tom said looking up to the sky.

"I know you do love, but you know we have to keep it this way for now."

Tom turned around and hugged y/n. She stood behind him. They had lied about her death. Enemies were growing each day and sending death threats to them.

"I don't like lying," Tom said.

"I know love and I know this was hard for you. But each day you will give them a hint that I'm not dead. And we will be able to live our lives to the fullest."

Y/n wrapped her arms around Tom's neck and Tom wrapped his arms around her waist and planted a kiss on her lips.

"Okay darling."

"I love you so much Tom."

"I love you so much too y/n."

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