Memories || Tom Felton

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Tom was with some friends at the bar. Drinking and enjoying their time together. Y/N then stepped in the bar Tom and his friends were at.

Y/N had changed. She got curvy, stronger and more confident in herself. Tom's friend saw as a group of girls came in without noticing that Y/N was in the group.

"We should invite them over," his friend said and Tom nodded.

His friend got up and called them over and they walked over.

"Mind a drink?" He asked.

The girls looked at each other and nodded. They headed together to the bar and Tom looked up from his beer bottle. There all the memories started to flood.

Y/N noticed it was Tom and all the memories flood back to her as well.



The other looked at them and ignored them and walked to the other side of the bar to grab some beers.

"May I sit with you?" Y/N asked and Tom pulled the chair out for her.

"Long time no see, how you been?" Tom asked.

Y/N sat down and placed her purse on the chair and crossed her legs, "I been alright and you?"

Tom signaled the bartender to come over, "I been good. Is bourbon still a good drink for you?"

Y/N smiled as he remembered her favorite drink. Y/N nodded and Tom asked the bartender for Y/N's drink.

"How's everything after we parted ways?"

The bartender left the drink and Y/N mouthed thank you and pulled it near her, "well it's been okay. I met someone and we are talking. How about you?"

Tom's face went cold when he hear Y/N was talking to someone, "same old same. Haven't talked to no one after you."

Tom and Y/N had broken up after the fact all his fans thought Y/N only wanted fame and money from him. Y/N broke it off not wanting to get death threats anymore.

"I been thinking about you not going to lie," Tom said as he took a sip from his beer.

Y/N took a sip from her drink and placed it down taking a deep breath in and out, "I lied."


"I lied about talking to someone," Y/N said, "I said that to see if you would be missing me."

Tom smiled and looked at her.

"I been thinking about you like crazy. I want you Tom and I love you."

Tom smiled and placed his hand on her cheek as a tear rolled down Y/N's cheek.

"And I love you. No matter what."

Tom and Y/N shared a kiss. Tom felt complete once more. Y/N felt like she was the only girl in the world for Tom. They made each other complete again. They were going to fight for each other and never leave each other's side.

No matter the hate fans were going to throw to Y/N; Tom was ready to defend her more than ever. Y/N wasn't going to leave his side anymore.

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