"Malia, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." Beck spoke cautiously, keeping her hands raised as Malia growled.

Suddenly, Drew turned the corner, appearing right between Beck and Malia. "Hey, Beck. I was looking for you earlier," Drew smiled at the sight of his girlfriend. But the smile fell when he saw the shocked look on Beck's face. "Hey, what-"

"Drew," Beck whispered. "Turn around slowly, don't make any sudden movements."

Stiffening, Drew followed Beck's orders, turning slowly till his eyes landed on Malia. "Oh my..."

"It's okay," Beck whispered as Drew backed up till he was standing right next to her. "Just remain calm." Slowly, Beck glanced around, forming an idea. "There's a janitor's closet on your right. When I give the signal, run in, and shut the door. Don't look back. On-"

Suddenly Drew yanked Beck into the closet. Malia growled as she followed, running into the door as Drew tried to close it shut. Growling and snarling echoed from the other side of the door as Drew finally slammed the door shut before clicking the lock.

"What are you doing?" Beck snapped as Drew tried to shield her from the door. "I said wait for my signal."

"Well, the coyote wasn't gonna wait," Drew snapped back as he pointed a finger at the door.

They listened as the growling started to grow faint. Malia was leaving.

Drew quickly pulled out his phone. "I'm calling animal control," Drew announced.

"What? No, they'll kill her!"

"Beck, there is a freakin' coyote loose in the school, it needs to be stopped," Drew said, before turning his back to Beck. "I'm sorry, but I have to call animal control."

Releasing a sigh, Beck knew what she had to do. "Yeah, I'm sorry too."

Drew turned to Beck with a raised eyebrow. "What are you-"

Quickly, Beck darted to the locked door, twisting her hand so it would fling open before slamming it shut behind her. "Vis porta."

"Beck!" Drew shouted as Beck ran down the hallway, still locked in the janitor's closet. And he'll stay locked in for his own protection.

Still running, Beck pulled out her phone as she searched the halls for Malia, calling Scott.

"Hey, Beck I thought-"

"Malia's in the school," Beck gasped as she came to a stop, the bell ringing as students exited their classrooms. "Malia's loose in the school, but I don't know where. Scott, you gotta do something."

"I'll find her," Scott said before hanging up.

DEPUTY PARRISH ESCORTED Beck down the hall as other deputies and animal control officers swarmed

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DEPUTY PARRISH ESCORTED Beck down the hall as other deputies and animal control officers swarmed. Students looked on from the doorways of classrooms, curious to know what was going on.

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