"And you never mentioned him?" I queried, furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's not like you have to know everyone I do." She shrugged. 

"I'm sorry?" I turned to her.

"No, I-" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I didn't mean for it to come out like it did, but you're putting too much thought into it." She confided.

"Well, I'm your boyfriend. I should be allowed to react like this when some dude I don't know holds you like that, don't you think?" I justified.

She tugged my chin so I could look at her. "Baby, I think you're jealous." She laughed and kissed me. 

"I'm not." I softened, stealing a kiss from her. She placed her hand on the back of my neck and played around with the ends of my hair.

"We're in this together, you don't have to worry about stuff like this." She assured.

"We're all in this together, once we know that we-" I started doing the dance, but the car behind ours honked, making both of us jump in shock. "Traffic."  mumbled.

"Traffic is our thing." She giggled. "You know, I just realized we don't have a song."

"Just For A Moment? Did you forget about that?" I laughed.

"No, I mean, like, a song couples have. You know, one they listen to all the time and they relate-" She explained.

"Bad Blood By Taylor, duh." I interrupted. "Do you have any idea how many times you listen to that song in a week? At least 30."

"You're exaggerating." She rolled her eyes.

"Check your music history." I chuckled, pulling up at her complex.

"...28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34-" She stopped, and started laughing. "I actually listened to it 15 times on repeat." 

"Yes, and so have I because of you." I rolled my eyes playfully, and walked out. A fan stopped me, which made me anxious since Liv was in the car.

A few pictures later, she walked away. I made sure no one's eyes were on me and told Liv to come out. 

"By the way, that was my overused gym shirt you used to cover yourself in the car." I laughed.

"Gross." She scrunched her nose, chuckling. 

"What do you carry in here, rocks? This thing is heavy." I snorted, walking with her bag up the stairs.

"What happened to the muscular endurance you boasted about?" She smirked. I rolled my eyes and stopped to take a break. "I can carry it without a problem." She walked down and grabbed it. I laughed, knowing she wasn't going to make it a foot away from me.

"Go ahead. Show me you're that pretentious, carrot sticks." I snickered, teasing her. 

"I'm going to get it up to the fifth floor." She bopped my nose. "Don't you worry about me and my liking for carrot sticks."

"You're not going to make it halfway I did." I retorted, nuzzling our noses together.

"Watch me do the exact opposite." She wiggled her eyebrows. I nodded, stepping away to give her room. She hugged the bag and picked it up, stumbling the way up. She barely took three steps when she fell backwards. I opened my arms and caught her just in time. "Oh, hey look, it's the girl who thought she could carry twice her size up the stairs." I teased. "By the way, you fell for me again, Rodrigo."

"If you don't shut up this isn't going to go well for that little nose of yours, Bassett." She smiled.

"Alright, sore loser." I smirked.

"What?! This was never a competition!" She opened her mouth in shock.

"Come on, we both knew it was." I laughed, letting her free from my arms. She frowned, crossing her arms. "Exactly." I bent down to kiss her quickly.

Both of us carried the bag up to the fifth floor, painting by the time we reached her door. "Why didn't we ever think of the elevator?" She caught her breath.

"There are elevators here?" I opened my mouth. "And we suffered trying to get this thing up for five floors?" 

"Yeah." She chuckled, opening the door. Taylor immediately came running to climb on me. 

"Not really a cat person." I handed it to her. "Just wait and we'll have a chocolate Lab called Harry." I smiled excitingly.

"Dogs are harder to take care of, they need more time than cats." She noted. "I have a proposal for you, though. Can we teach her some tricks?" She pouted.

"We should start with not chewing on things. She devoured my old wallet." I pointed out. "What is that, a dog?"

"You really need to stop with the Taylor slander." She shook her head. I cracked up and nodded, looking for some biscuits. 

"You do realize you can't train cats as if they were dogs, right?" I questioned.

"I'll guess we'll have to find some other way." She laughed, placing the cat on the counter.

"First of all, no animals allowed in the kitchen, shoo." I waved her away. Liv took the cat and left her on the floor. "I was talking about you." I joked. She set up a straight face, although I knew she wanted to laugh. "Just joking." I grinned, kissing the top of her head.

"We should teach her how to sit." She ran to the living room, excited. 

We spent the whole evening teaching the cat whatever we could think of, but gave up when we realized there was no progress and ended up making out.


i was going to torture you guys with Adam, but all the rini chaos- 
i dont think i could've handled it-

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя