"Holy shit! Niall's going to be a dad?" I spit out. 

"Mommy!" Sommer shouts giggling. 

"Shit- I mean! Fuck! Wait no! Don't say those words ok?" I say, looking at Sommer as I hear Harry starting to crackle up. 

"Ok." She says giggling before shoving her mouth with food again. 

"But Niall and Amelia are actually pregnant?" I ask Harry and he nods. 

"Yep!" Harry says beaming, he loves kids and this just means that he gets to be an uncle to more kids. We have Liam's kid, Louis's kid, Faith's kid, Eva's kids, Mila's kid and Kendall's kid. Now he get's to be an uncle to Niall's kid. 

"Mommy, can I have a little brother?" Sommer asks but before I even get to respond Harry butts in. 

"Mommy and I will work on that tonight sweetie, I promise." He says, our innocent 3 year old daughter having no idea what he means. I know he's only saying this to get a reaction but I really hope that Sommer will never remember this conversation. 

"Yay!" She cheers, throwing her tiny arms in the air making me laugh. I shake my head and we continue eating. 

That is until Sommer asks me a question that makes Harry laugh wildly and me widen my eyes. 

"Mommy, what does fuck mean?"


"So what time is everyone coming over at again?" I ask Harry as he sips his water. 

"Now, baby." He laughs out, making me shake my head. 

Everyone's coming over today for Sommer's birthday. June 12th. I know what your thinking, did you name your child Sommer cause she was born in the summer? No, we didn't. We just liked the name Sommer. 

Suddenly, the doorbell rings and I laugh as I hear little feet pattering down the steps.

"I'll get it!" Sommer shouts, running towards the door. 

Harry laughs and runs over to her while I make my way over too. There I see Faith and Maxton, with their 3 year old daughter, Ki. 

"Hey guys!" I say smiling as I bring Faith into a hug. "How's the morning sickness?" I ask her, laughing.

I never got really bad morning sickness, but Faith did.

"Horrible, and I get it at night too so you better have a bathroom that I can puke in." She tells me, a petty smile on her lips making me playfully roll my eyes and laugh. 

"Your disgusting." I jokingly tell her before hugging Maxton.

"Hey Maxy pad." I joke with him, knowing the nickname I've been calling him for over 8 years now. 

"Hey old lady." He jokes back as we pull away from our hug. 

"Shut up! I'm only 28! Your older than me!" I playfully shout at him. 

"Mommy! Auntie Vada said something bad!" Ki tells Faith, a smirk on her lips. This child will be the death of me.

I swore in front of her once and I had to let her eat a whole carton of ice cream so she wouldn't tell Faith. That was back when Faith was very scared that her child would swear at school, and now she swears around them all the time.

"I know babe, she's a bad influence!" Faith jokes with her daughter. 

"Well, hello to you too Ki." I say, crouching down and holding my arms out for a hug. She giggles and hugs me, kissing my cheek to make me feel better when I was 'sad'.

Stupid To Fall For You ~ Harry Styles ~Where stories live. Discover now