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The next day at around 2:30, Mila and Eva came into the diner. I walk up to them with a smile on my face, these are a couple other few people that I like.

"Hey, What can I get you guys today?" I ask them. Mila and Eva laugh causing me to chuckle. 

 "Um, can I please have the club sandwich?" Eva asks politely and I nod. 

 "I'll have the same but with fries instead of salad please." Mila says.

"Sure fat ass!" I joke, making her crack a smile. 

We all laugh and I place the order with Joe and Teddy. 

After I take everyone else's order and give them their food, I make my way to my friends table where Faith also is. I sit down next to Mila and sigh. I take a handful of Mila's fries making her swat by hand away. 

"Come on! I'm hungry!" I whine.

She laughs and shakes her head, playfully feeding me a fry. I gladly take it and then take a sip from her milkshake making her roll her eyes. I laugh at her reaction and decide to leave her food alone before I eat it all. 

"So, did you get a job yet?" I ask Eva, turning towards her to look at her.

"No, but I'm trying to find one close to UCLA so I can just pick up some shifts after school." She answers, laughing and shaking her head.

 "Are you looking for a job too?" I ask Mila. She shakes her head and I laugh as she shoves her face with fries.

Mila and Eva are starting at UCLA in a month or so. Eva is looking for a job and Mila is just being Mila. 

Eva is financially fine. If she really needs too, she can get money from her parents and be fine but she likes to be independent. She's nice once you get to know her but keeps her guard up until she feels comfortable with the person. That's why so many people think she's mean but I promise, she's is so nice. 

Mila on the other hand is filthy rich. Well, her parents are. She doesn't need a job but is still going to school. Mila is really nice though, she's not like a lot of other rich kids. She doesn't take what she has for granted and she is always grateful. I have never once seen her be mean. She is so nice, sometimes a little too nice to people who don't deserve to be treated nicely. 

You already know me and Faith's family history. 

Faith is nice too, but she has her moments like everyone else. If your rude to her, she's rude to you. She treats you the way you treat her, so to the 3 of us, she's a really nice person. 

Now me, Vada Cater. I don't really let my guard down to people because the more people you let into your life, the more that could walk right out and hurt you. I don't like to be hurt so I don't let people in easily. Barely ever. I don't really talk to people unless I have to like when I'm at work. Like I said, I'm not a fan of people. 

So yeah, that's our group of friends we don't really have any other ones.... I don't really know why though. I guess we have just never met someone that wanted to be friends with us or that we wanted to be friends with. 

"Guys! I forgot to tell you!" Mila suddenly speaks out.

We all look at her to see her smiling and practically jumping up and down in her seat.

"What's up?" Faith asks.

"My dad got all of us concert tickets for my birthday tomorrow night!" Mila tells us with a wide goofy grin on her lips. 

"To see who?" Eva asks, also smiling.

"One Direction!" Mila squeals out as her smile grows wider if possible. 

My three friends all start practically jumping out of their seats while I sit there confused. 

"Oh my god! Don't forget to tell your dad how much I love him!" Faith tells Mila after finally calming down.

"Whose One Direction?" I ask while laughing at Faith's previous comment.

 Mila and Eva's jaws drop while Faith rolls her eyes and I laugh. 

"How do you not know One Direction?" Eva asks.

 "I don't know? But is it a dude or...?" I ask while I shrug my shoulders. 

Mila pulls something up on her phone and turns it to me. She shows me a picture with 5 guys on it. 

All of them pretty good looking and young if I'm being honest.

"They're a band! And they make really good music!" Mila cheerfully tells me.

"I can't believe you don't know who they are!" Eva exclaims as she takes a bite of her salad making me laugh. 

I raise my hands in the air in defence and chuckle. 

"Um, sorry ok? But do I have to go? I mean I don't even know 1 of their songs!" I ask.

"Yes you have to go! It's my birthday celebration! And ironically, the concert actually falls on the day of my birthday!" Mila pouts. She has that childish personality which I admire about her.

"Fine, but I'm only going cause it's for your birthday!" I tell her after I let out a little groan.

She smiles and claps her hands together feeling accomplished.

"Yay! Also, did I mention we get to meet the band after the show at the meet and greet?" She tells us.

Eva and Faith start silently freaking out again while I laugh at how happy they are. I like seeing my friends happy.

"How- you know what? I don't wanna know! All I'm going to think about is how I get to meet the hottest fucking boys in the world tomorrow night!" Eva says, throwing her head back with her eyes closed while raising a fist in the air in a 'hell yeah!' motion. 

We all laugh and I shake my head. Faith takes a couple of Mila's fries making Mila also swat away Faiths hand from her food. 

"Seriously?" She says.

Faith shoves the fries in her mouth and playfully says "What?!"


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