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After about a 15 minute drive including small talk and laughs, Harry pulls into the parking lot of a food plaza. Perfect, just my type of place. 

As I am about to open the door, Harry leans over and stops my actions. 

"You need to wait a minute!" He says as he quickly gets out of the car and runs over to my side, making me laugh. 

He opens the door for me and holds his hand out for me to take. I do but once both my feet are on the ground, I drop my hand from his letting it softly hit my side. 

 "Where are we going?" I ask Harry as I look around the plaza.

He smiles and nods his head in the direction of a burger joint.

"Come on, don't wanna be late for our date!" He says.

I laugh and shake my head, following Harry into the restaurant. 

As we walk into the restaurant, it's completely empty, not even a cook. 

I look around with a confused look on my face before looking at Harry. 

"No ones here, are you sure we're not breaking and entering?" I ask.

"No, but I did somehow get the owner of this place leave the thing empty!" He tells me.I keep my eyes on his as I laugh and shake my head. 

"I can't believe you rented out a restaurant for tonight!" I tell him.

"What can I say? I like to go full out!" He tells me, shrugging his shoulders.

I laugh again and being to walk around the empty restaurant. 

It kinda reminds me of the diner except it's a little more modern and fancy. Well, it's not fancy but it's a nice place. 

I then hear Harry say "Would you like to eat?" 

"Yes, yes I really would like to eat right now!" I say after I snap my head in his direction with a smile on my face.

He laughs and walks behind the counter and into the kitchen, me following behind him. As we walk into the kitchen, no ones in here and I wonder how we're going to get food. 

"Don't mean to be rude here, but how exactly are we supposed to eat when theirs no food to be eaten?" I say.

He laughs and turns the stove on, making me more confused. 

"I don't know if you know this, but I used to work in a bakery." He says.

"Really?" I say, laughing with amusement. Harry doesn't strike me as a baker, but again, I don't know him well.

He nods his head and glances at me with a slight smile. 

"I'm going to make us dinner!... Well, kinda cause I'm not that good at cooking!" He says.

I laugh as I lean against the counter and let Harry do his thing with the food while while we again make small talk. 

See, I was right. This really is no big deal.

It wasn't long before Harry finished the food and we where able to eat. 

As of now, I sit on the counter of the long island where all the tables are, criss crossed with my sneakers on the floor that where previously kicked off my feet. Harry sits in one of the stools, only 1 seat away from me. We continued to eat while talking about unimportant things. 

This night was going easier than I thought.

 As I pop a couple fries into my mouth, Harry asks me "Now will you tell me what your favourite colour is?"

I laugh as I remember how I completely turned down a conversation with him when he asked me what my favourite colour was and now here I am, on a 'date' with him. 

I swallow my food before saying "It has to either be light blue or light purple." 

"Why?" Harry chuckles.

 "Why not?" I ask raising my eyebrows as I sip my 7 up.

"Come on, why do you like the colours?" He asks, laughing.

"Because, I don't know? I guess, they have something about them that makes me feel calm. What about you? Favourite colours?" I ask him.

"Not really but if I had to pick one, it would probably be red or like a navy blue." He tells me.

"Manly." I say in a low, mocking guy voice lauging.

He laughs and shakes his head. 

"Shut it Miss. light-blue-or-light-purple!" He mocks, in an American girl accent trying to sound like me, making me laugh as we continue to enjoy our meals.

As he parks back in front of my apartment, he once again makes me wait for him to open the door. He opens it and I step out, thanking him for his kind gesture. 

We walk up to near the door and I turn to look at him. 

He looks at me with a light smile, making his dimples barely visible to the human eye. 

"So, what'd you think?" He asks.

I laugh, which I seemed to do a lot more than normal tonight and smile.

"Truthfully, I had a lot more fun than I expected to. Thank you." I tell him honestly.

This time, he smiles fully making both of his dimples pop out. 

"So, would it be inappropriate to kiss you right now?" He asks.

"Yes, it would." I whisper, biting my lip to contain my smile.

"Would it be inappropriate to ask you for you number?" He asks, the small frown that took over his face now turning up into a small grin.

I laugh and this time shake my head no. 

"This ones acceptable." I tell him.

He laughs before I take a pen I found on the doorbell box thingy and write my number, this time on his for arm so it doesn't smudge. He smirks down at me as he watches me write my number on his arm. 

 "Goodnight Harry, thank you." I tell him as I walk into the apartment building.

"Goodnight Vada." He reply's.


Stupid To Fall For You ~ Harry Styles ~Where stories live. Discover now