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The next day, Faith and I rush to work, just making it on time. 

It was a long night last night. 

I got lectured over and over again on how I turned don a conversation with the Harry Styles. 

But honestly, what did they fucking expect? They know I don't like talking to people in general so why would I change it for a guy who is perhaps famous? 

But anyway, another sleepless night. I think I got like 3 hours of sleep which is not healthy. I haven't really told my friends about my sleeping problem. I don't even know if it's a problem but I do know it doesn't seem right. I sleep well only like once a week, every other night tossing and turning until I can't take it anymore. Me and Faith can't really afford sleeping pills right now and I don't want her to worry about me so I just don't bring it up. 

At around 11:30, when I go behind the counter where Tracy is, I catch a glimpse of Faith in the kitchen. Her eyes are barely open and she looks like she's about to faint. I quickly run over to her and put my hand on her forehead. 

"Jesus Faith! Your burning up!" I whisper shout.

"Vay, I think I'm sick." She tells me, sniffling.

"Yeah, no shit sherlock. Now go home and get some rest. I'll call you when I can, ok?" I tell her, shaking my head.

She nods and collects her things. She says bye to everyone and leaves. 

All the waitresses, well, Stacy and Tracy, took lunch so now it's just me. 

I don't have time for a break. 

I place my hands on the edge of the counter top, head hanging low as I take a deep breath to try to calm down my nerves. 

Faith and I are starting to run short on money. Faith's sick so she's not allowed to work and now I need to pick up extra shifts so that we have enough money to pay for the next few months of rent. 

On the bright side, I wont have to pay for food as long as Faith is sick because Teddy and Joe always give us food while one of us is sick. 

I then here the bell ring telling me someone has came in. I take another deep breath as I slide down to counter to wear the person was seated. 

I didn't look at them as I said "Hello, what can I get you today?" 

"Um, what do you suggest?" I hear the oddly familiar British accent say. 

I look up only to again be met with those piecing green eyes. 

"Everything Joe makes is good, I don't have a favourite." I mumble, sighing under my breath.

He smirks at me but I just stand there with my straight face on. I don't have time to joke around so I hope this guy doesn't make it too hard for me to do my job.

"Surprise me." He tells me, not breaking eye contact once as the smirk only seemed to grow.

I nod looking down and walk into the kitchen. "One plate of chocolate chip pancakes." I tell Teddy.

 Can't go wrong with that, who doesn't like pancakes? 

I walk back out and begin to clean up the tables people have used just minutes ago. The diner was quiet except for the pans clinking in the kitchen and the radio softly playing music that you can hardly hear. 

 "Not even gong to ask me why I'm here or how I knew you worked here?" I hear the guy that walked in say.

"I'm going to stick with coincidence." I tell him, shrugging my shoulders making him chuckle.

"Well, incase your wondering, I got my people to look you up and they told me you worked here. So, I thought I would pay you a little visit." He tells me.

"How nice." I sarcastically say as I start to stack plates on top of each other.

I start to make my way towards the kitchen but as I walk towards the door, I almost drop one of the plates. 

Luckily, the creepy dude caught it for me. 

"Your not reacting at all. Most people would be so happy and excited to see me but you don't seem to care very much." He says as he follow me into the kitchen.

I put the dishes in the sink near the door before looking at the guy.

"Because I don't. And your not allowed back here." I respond to his previous statement.

I slightly nudge him out of the kitchen and shut the door before he could protest. 

I start pacing around the kitchen pinching the bridge of my nose, something I do very often when I'm stressed. 

"You ok?" Teddy asks.

"Yeah, just stressed. Hey, are there any extra shifts I can pick up this week?" I ask.

"Yeah, a couple, why?" He ask's.

"I need someone money so me and Faith can be prepared for the next 5 months of rent." I tell him. 

He nods and I wait in the kitchen until the pancakes are ready. 

As they are, I quickly give them to boy band dude.

"Here you go, yell if you need anything." I tell him, not looking in his eyes once.

Before he could reply, I walk back into the kitchen but I do hear him say "Thank you." 

At least he has manners. 

After about 15 minutes, I give the guy his check and he pays. 

"Have a nice day...?" I tell him as I hand him back his change. He parts his mother slightly in shock before he reply's.

"Harry." He tells me.

"Well, bye Harry. Thanks for the visit." I say giving him a tight smile.

I don't like to be rude to people so I'm not, I just don't talk a lot. 

"Goodbye Vada." He says as he stands up and walks out of the diner.

Whoa, surprised boy band remembered my name.


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