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December 25th, Christmas morning. 

Somehow, Harry had managed to wake up before me which is an odd occurrence. 

"Merry Christmas baby." He softly exclaims, peppering a bunch of kisses on my face, making me scrunch up my nose at the ticklish feeling. 

"Good morning babe." I mumbled back, squiggly my face against the pillow as I stretched my body which was still under the blanket. 

I open my eyes to see Harry in a thin beige sweater, the white t-shirt he has underneath peaking through just the slightest. 

"Why are you wearing a beanie inside?" I ask, scrunching my eyebrows up together once I noticed to show my confusion.

"I just got back from the bakery with my mum... and my head is still a little cold." He tells me, pressing his face against my cheek to prove to me just how cold he is. 

"Well, now I'm up." I jokingly say, sitting home and putting my feet on the cold wood floor. 

"Come on, everyone's downstairs." Harry laughs out, grabbing my hand to help me stand up. 

He starts to lead us out of the room but I quickly grab my camera from the nightstand before we pass it. 

Maybe I can take pictures of everyone to remember my first Christmas? 

As we make our way downstairs, an amazing smell hits my nose, as always. As we walk into the kitchen, I see a bunch of fruit, bacon and what looks like French toast. 

That's why Harry and Anne went to the bakery, I'm assuming. 

"Merry Christmas, Vada." I hear as I enter the kitchen beside Harry. 

I look up and see Anne making her way towards me, with a smile on her face. I couldn't help but let a grin break over my face as she pulled me into a hug. 

I liked the Styles' hugs, I decided that yesterday morning. 

"Thank you, Anne." I say, still smiling. 

The next person to hug me is Gemma after hugging Harry. "Merry Christmas!" She whispers before pulling away. 

I kind of felt like a kid, but in a good way. 

I then hug Robin, saying our good mornings and Merry Christmas'. It was easy to get close with Harry's family, they were just too kind not to. 

As Harry started talking to his sister, I watched from afar. Anyone could tell that Harry loves his family very much.

He leans against the counter of the kitchen with a little smile on his face and his arms wrapped around his chest, I quickly raise my camera and snap a picture of him quietly and quickly.

He leans against the counter of the kitchen with a little smile on his face and his arms wrapped around his chest, I quickly raise my camera and snap a picture of him quietly and quickly

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After putting my camera down on the table, we all started gathering the delicious looking breakfast on our plates. 

We then all sat down at the table and started eating while talking a little, laughing lots. I

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