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After 15 minutes of laying down as Harry tells me everything I need to know about the tour, there's a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it." Harry says, walking up to the door. 

Once he opens it, the boys suddenly push past him and walk into the room, ignoring Harry as he tells them to leave. 

Niall jumps beside me on the bed, Zayn sits on the kitchenette counter, Louis sits at the edge of the bed and Liam goes through all the food on the counter beside Zayn. 

"You guys were not invited in." Harry mumbles, laying down beside me again. 

"You guys have Cheetos! I don't have Cheetos!" Liam says, picking up a bag of Cheetos from the many bags of chips on the counter. 

"Oh! Pass me something!" Niall says, throwing his hands in the air, ready to catch whatever food it to be thrown his way. 

"What do you want?" Liam asks, his back facing us as he continues to go through the food on the counter. 

"Really? It's me, give me anything!" Niall tells him, making me laugh. 

"Pass me some pretzels, I don't have any of those!" Louis says. Liam throws Niall a bag of chips and Louis a bag of pretzels before sitting himself down in the chair beside the bed. 

"Want some?" Niall whispers to me as the others speak. 

"What flavour?" I ask, smiling. 

"Barbecue." He reply's. 

"How could I say no?" I say, taking a couple chips out of the bag. I then turn on my side to face Niall as we share the large bag of barbecue chips. 

"Slow down dude!" Niall says as I shove 3 chips in my mouth.

"Shut up, fat ass! You ate half the bag already!" I tell him, making him laugh and extend his arm away from me so I can't reach the bag of chips. 

I reach over his chest to try to grab the bag from him until I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist and turn me around. 

"Stop trying to steal my girl, Ni." Harry says as he wraps his arms around my waist and I lay my head on his shoulder. Everyone laughs and I take the chance to grab the bag of chips from Niall's hands. 

"Hey!" He shouts, trying to grab the bag of chips from me. 

"Niall, just let the girl have the bloody chips!" Louis says, making me cockily smile at Niall. 

"Um, no." He reply's, taking the chips from my hands again. I softly hit the back of his head and he dramatically yelps, making me laugh. 

"Now that that's over, what are we going to do tonight?" Louis asks, grabbing a water from the mini fridge. 

"Tonight? Don't you guys have a show?" I ask, confused. 

"Yeah, but you don't think we come straight back to the hotel do you?" Liam asks, laughing and shaking his head. 

"Lay off her, would you? This is her first tour with us!" Harry says smirking, making me laugh. "So what do you guys do? Do you go to clubs and stuff?" I ask. 

"Pretty much." Niall reply's. 

"How? Are you guys even legal?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. 

"Not exactly, but it depends where we are. Plus, we're One Direction. We could get in anywhere anytime for free and get away with it! Don't be surprised how easily we'll get you into a club, love." Louis reply's.

"Alright, chill out. Your making us out to be some douchebag rock band that does whatever they want! We don't even drink that much, we mostly go to the clubs just to have fun and party." Harry defends. 

"I was gonna says sounds fun! I'm all in for getting drunk and going to clubs!" I tell them, making them laugh. 

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, making the room fall silent. 

"Harry, we're going now! Hurry your ass up!" James shouts through the door. All the boys slowly stand up and head to the door, me we Harry being last. 

"How long does the show usually last?" I ask once we reach the elevator. 

"About 3 hours I would say." Liam reply's, pressing the lobby button, making the elevator go down a couple seconds later. 

"What time does it start?" I ask again, leaning into Harry's side. 

"The show starts at 8. Well, that's when we go on." Niall tells me. 

"So, you guys are going to go to a club at 11:00 at night after 3 hours of singing and running around on stage?" I ask, making them all nod.

"Sounds about right. Styles, you got yourself a smart one!" Louis jokes, making me roll my eyes but laugh at the same time. 

Once we get to the lobby, we all make our way towards the door of the front foyer and all squeeze into the same black Range Rover. 

What is with this band and their fucking Range Rovers?

After a 20 minute car ride full of talking, we get to the venue. We get inside and the boys show me around, telling me where every hallway leads to and stuff like that. 

This venue is pretty big, I could easily get lost in here. 

As we turn a corner leading into a hallway full of people, Harry puts his hand on my lower back just above my bum and guides me through the crowd. 

I'm guessing these are the people that set everything up for the show and stuff. 

Finally after one last turn, Harry leads me into the boys' dressing room. 

There's one big red couch, a tv that's showing the stage, a bunch of clothes hanging on one of those moveable closet rack things and 5 mirrors with a chair at each of them. 

"Everything on this tour is so nice." I tell them, thinking out loud making them all laugh. 

I throw myself on the big red couch, Harry sitting next to me as the rest of the guys that do their own thing. 

"So why do you guys have all this stuff if Harry tells me all you guys do is change and brush through your hair once before running on stage?" I ask, looking around. 

"I actually don't know, it's just always been here." Louis reply's, shrugging his shoulders. 

Suddenly, a man dressed in all black, his t-shirt saying 'STAFF' in big white letters walks in. 

"Come on boys, we need you for sound check." His low voice says before walking away. 

"Let's gooooo!" Niall shouts, making everyone laugh. 

Harry stands up and holds my hand before leading me to the stage. The dressing room was pretty close to the stage so at least I won't get lost going from the stage to the dressing room.


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