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"I wrote this one too, it was on the last album we've made. I've named it Long Way Down." Harry tells me, picking up his acoustic guitar and resting it on his knee. He plays a chord, and starts strumming and then plays another chord, continuing to strum.

"We made a fire, went
down in the flames, we
sailed an ocean, and drowned
in the wave."

He sings softly, almost as if he's scared to play this one. I do like it though, the strumming is nice.

"Built a cathedral, but
we never prayed. We 
had it all, yeah, and 
we walked away."

You, you walked away. I wanted to stay but when one person want's to break up, you break up and that's it. 

"Point of no returning
now it's just too late
to turn around. I try to
forget you but I struggle
cause I don't know how."

It could never be too late, Harry's my Harry, if he ever told me he wanted me back month after we broke up I wouldn't have thought twice about it. And I tried to forget him too, but how do you forget someone that made such a big impact in your life? You can't.

"We built us up so high
and now I'm falling, it's
a long way down, it's a 
long way down, from here."

It was a long fall. That's what it felt like at least. We built a relationship together, a bond, a connection, and so quickly everything went to shit. It took a long time to get over the hurt and to be honest, I'm still not over it. 

"We had a mountain,
took it for granted, we
had a spaceship, but we
couldn't land it. We found
an island, but we got stranded.
We had it all, yeah, who could
have planed it."

He sounds so sad singing this, and I guess I can understand why. But I've been sad for years. 5 years to be exact. And that emptiness that I felt the whole tour, that never went away. And it took me a while to be able to sleep, but I finally can.

He sings the chorus again, his voice breaking at a couple parts. Showing me the meaning behind his songs must be hard. After all, music was his only safe space through everything. Music was the only place where he didn't have to hide things so he's probably feeling vulnerable. I understand. 

"I had to change that lyric from 'I try to forget you but I struggle cause I don't know how' to 'I try to forgive you but I struggle cause I don't know how' because James thought it was wrong." Harry speaks out, staring at the ground with his eyebrows furrowed. 

"Are you guys still with that same management from all those years ago?"I softly ask. 

"No, we got away from them the second we could." He tells me, briefly looking up. 

"That's good." I slowly tell him.

"I know, James was an asshole." He says, a small smile on his lips.

"He really was." I agree, letting out a little chuckle. 

"Do you mind if I play you another one." He asks.

"I've got nothing planned." I reply, leaning back against the couch. 

"Good, you might be here for a while." He tells me as he starts picking at the strings of his guitar. 

Stupid To Fall For You ~ Harry Styles ~Where stories live. Discover now