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After not saying a word the rest of the plane ride nor in the car ride to the hotel, I tossed myself on the neatly made bed. 

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on anything other than the thought that's been playing in my mind since the plane ride.

 How did everything get so fucked up, so quickly? 

I heard Harry put his stuff down before it went quiet again, but I could feel his gaze on me. 

I opened my eyes and looked in front of me, finding that Harry was indeed staring at me with his eyebrows furrowed and his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Are you going to ask me what happened at the banquet or not?" He suddenly says, not moving his state away from mine. 

"Doesn't seem to matter anymore since I have pictures of me half naked floating around the internet." I reply, still not moving my eyes from his. 

"Ask me." He tells me. 

"I don't care anymore, Harry." I tell him. 

"Ask me." He repeats. 

"Answer this, were you planning on cheating on me last night?" I ask, making him shake his head. "

Did... did you cheat on me last night?" I ask, hating the words as they come out of my mouth. 

"Of course not." Harry responds, his eyebrows furrowing as a frown took over his face. 

"Then why were you doing what you were doing with her?" I ask, not daring to look away from his eyes. 

"James told me I had to flirt with her to per mote something. I didn't want to Vada, believe me. But James being James threatened me as always." He tells me, and I could tell by the look in his eye that he was telling me the truth. 

"Why didn't you tell me then?" I ask, a frown now taking over my face.

"I thought it would've been easier considering it was only supposed to take a few minutes. I'm sorry, I would never cheat on you." He tells me, still staring into my eyes. 

In response, I just shrug and finally look away from his intense gaze. 

"Want to go for a walk?" He suddenly asks me. I sit up and shrug my shoulders again, but this time for a different reason. 

"We can't. James will throw a hissy fit and fans will attack you." I tell him, but he slightly smiles and shakes his head. 

"It's dark outside and I've gotten pretty good at disguising myself. Come on, get a jumper." He tells me, making me confused. 

"What the fuck is a jumper?" I ask, raising my eyebrows and letting a chuckle escape my lips before I could stop it. 

"You bloody Americans, get a hoodie." He tells me, making me laugh again. 

I don't know how or if it's even healthy or not how we can just move on from things so easily, but we do. 

I walked over to my suitcase and take out a cream coloured sweater. 

I put it on over my t-shirt, my outfit now consisting of the hoodie, a comfortable loose pair of jeans and my white converse, that are not so white anymore. 

I looked up to see Harry now in an oversized navy blue hoodie, reminding me of our first date when he told me navy blue was his favourite colour, a ghost of a smile on my lips. 

He is also wearing jeans, obviously he had just changed out of his track pants that he was wearing before. 

He has a grey beanie on, covering most of his hair except the part that stick out through the hat. 

He didn't really look like Harry unless you looked at his face but it was pretty dark outside so we'll be fine.

"Ready?" He asks, and I nod. 

He smiles slightly and intertwines our fingers, making sure to grab a room key before walking us out of the hotel room. 

Once we had stepped on to the street, I breathed in the fresh England air. 

I don't exactly know what part of England we are in, but none of the guys are from this part. 

We started walking down the street, it being much colder outside then what I would have expected. But then again, I grew up in LA where it never gets cold and I have never left the country so it was kind of expected. 

"What are you doing for Christmas?" Harry asks me, making me furrow my eyebrows. 

It's already December? Fuck

"Um, nothing. I have never really celebrated Christmas or any holiday for that matter." I reply, watching my feet as they walk. But as I took a side glance at Harry, it was hard to miss the frown on his face. 

"Well since we're going to be in London for that part of the tour, I am going to spend Christmas with my family. Would you like to come home with me?" Harry asks, finally glancing at me so I could look at him without him thinking I was staring at him for no reason. 

"I couldn't impose." I tell him, shaking my head but he just squeezes my hand gently. 

"You wouldn't be imposing. I want you to come very much." He responds and I consider my options.

I could either stay in a hotel room all night and day long or I could go home with Harry to spend Christmas with him and his family.

"Alright." I speak before running even get to process the choice I made. 

"Really?" He asks me. 

"Yeah. It will be nice to meet your family." I tell him as we make a turn to walk through the park. 

"They will be thrilled to find out your coming this year." He says, swinging our hands back and forth as they are still intertwined. "So, you've never had a Christmas?" 

I shake my head and and look down again, getting ready to shut my guard down at any second. "No." I say quietly. 

"May I ask why?" He says politely, using the same tone I used obviously understanding something is uncomfortable for me. 

"We just never did. Like we were catholic I guess but we never did any celebrations or anything. I also didn't have much of a family growing up, I basically raised myself. So that meant no celebrating anything." I shorted the story, surprised I had shared that much.

 Harry nods, frowning slightly as he squeezes my hand again. "I'm sorry." He tells me. 

"You know what I've always wanted to see? Snow." I answer changing the topic, not wanting to talk about it anymore. 

"Why's that?" He asks me. 

"Because it's pretty and cold, but it could also be damaged so easily. It reminds me of people and I don't like people very much so maybe I'll have better luck with snow." I tell him truthfully but also playfully. "Do you think there'll be snow in London?" 

He laughs and shakes his head, pulling me into his side. 

"Lots of it, your going to freeze." He tells me chuckling. 

All the events that took place over the last 24 hours suddenly disappeared from my mind. 

That is until we were back in the hotel room, Harry peacefully sleeping while I tried to, my mind finally letting me get some rest around 2:30 in the morning.


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