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3 weeks felt more like 3 days. 

The days went by so fast. 

Like I assumed, Faith, Mila and Eva were all super supportive, which made me feel a lot better. Eva is going to move into the apartment for the next 5 months we're on tour.

 When Harry and I told the guys about me coming on tour with them, they were all so happy. They smiled and jumped around and hugged me so many times, I couldn't even count. 

But when Harry told James, he was not very happy. I've come to the conclusion that James doesn't like me very much, and I'm not sure why, but I don't really care cause all he is, is the bands manager. And they all told me that even they barely like him.

I've spent the last week running around, getting ready for when I have to leave, which is actually today. 

I had to get a passport cause believe it or not, my abusive drunk of a dad and my cowered mother never took me out of the country or even out of the state. 

What amazing fucking parents they are. 

After I got my first ever passport, I then started packing. I didn't bring a lot per-say. I brought 2 suitcases and a duffle bad. 

That's nothing for 4 months. 

Harry said I could bring more if I needed to, but I found no point considering I already packed everything I needed. 

After I put the last of my things in the closet of my room, I climb under the covers and try to get some sleep but like always, I only got about 3 hours.

The next morning, I wake up and throw on the outfit I had laid out last night so it didn't take me any time to pick what to wear. 

I then wash my face and put my hair into 2 braids that rest on my shoulders because my hair is greasy

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I then wash my face and put my hair into 2 braids that rest on my shoulders because my hair is greasy. I didn't bother showering last night because I new I would want to shower once we got to the hotel. 

I then walked into the kitchen to see it was 8:50. 

I need coffee. 

But I don't have a coffee machine since I always get it at the diner so instead, I just gulp down a glass of water before using the bathroom. 

Speaking of the diner, Jenny said that my job will be there when I get back and to have fun. Let's just say I was really happy I still have my job. 

Once I got out of the bathroom, I saw Faith tiredly sitting on the couch with her eyes barely open. Then the buzz comes through the speaker near to door, telling me that Harry's here. Faith slightly jumps at the noise and I laugh. 

"Well, I guess I'll see you in 4 months, Fay." I tell her, smiling slightly. 

She laughs and stands up, pulling me into a hug. 

Stupid To Fall For You ~ Harry Styles ~Where stories live. Discover now