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Play the video when you see the *** and when the other video is there, play it cause I can only put one video at the top :)


"Come on! Your dating me! You've got to know all the lyrics to all the songs!" Harry complains. I shake my head and laugh. 

"I can't do that! You guys literally have 20 songs on each album!" I tell him. He quickly smirks at my reply and looks up at me. 

"And how would you know that, Miss. Carter?" He says teasingly. I roll my eyes and shake my head. 

"After all, I am dating you." I jokingly whisper while looking at him. My response only made him smirk more. 

"So you do listen to our music!" He says proudly. I laugh at his reaction and watch his smirk only grow. 

"No I don't listen to it." I tell him truthfully. 

I don't listen to One Direction, but I have looked over their albums and stuff when my friends would tell me to pick a song, so I know they have a lot of songs. 

"Liar!" Harry shouts, a smirk prominent on his face. I shake my head while laughing. 

"I swear to god Harry!" I tell him, continuing to laugh. 

Harry smirks again and crawls over to me on the couch on all fours. Once he is close to me, he softly pecks my lips and smirks again. 

"Well then," he starts, picking up his phone "I guess your in for a treat!"

I laugh only seconds before a song I don't recognize starts blasting through the living room. 


I slightly jump at the sound of it but when I look at Harry, I see that goofy smile that makes me smile. He stands up from the couch and holds his hand out for me to take. 

"Come on Vay, you've got music to learn!" He says, a smile laced on his lips making his dimples pop out. 

I shake my head but take his head anyway. 

As soon as I am on my feet, Harry quickly snaps me into his chest. One hand rests on my lower back, just under the waist band of my leggings and just above my bum. 

"We'll start off easy." He says to me while intertwining our fingers together on my left hand. 

I smile once I realize he's getting in the position to dance with me. I place my hand on his shoulder, just under his neck. He starts slowly swaying us back and forth, our bodies moving in beat with the slow tempo of the song. 

"This one, is called 'Little Things'" He whispers in my ear. 

I softly smile and place my head on his chest, his chin then resting on top of my head. We continue to sway our bodies to the music while I listen intently. 

I liked this one, I really liked this one. 

Was I talking about the song or the guy?

That's to be determined

"How do you know how to dance like this?" I softly ask him. I hear him chuckle before he pulls me closer to him, if that's possible. 

"I'm british, love. How do you know how to dance like this?" He answers. 

I shrug on response and continue to dance with him. 

"I don't." I tell him. 

He gives my little hand a squeeze before kissing my head and continuing to dance with me.

Stupid To Fall For You ~ Harry Styles ~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora