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I laugh against Harry's lips as he walks us into the hallway, one of his hands having a firm grip on my behind while the other one closes the door. 

Once he closes the door, he puts his other hand on my behind as well and backs me up to the wall as he continues to kiss me. 

That is until we hear someone clearing their throat. 

Both Harry and I freeze our lips against each other before slowly moving our heads in the direction of the noise. There I see Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn all dresses up in suits and Kendall stood next to them in a white dress with an amused look on her face. 

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"Hey guys

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"Hey guys." Harry says awkwardly. Everyone's seen us kiss but none of them have ever seen us make out while Harry pins me against the wall. 

"Hey lad, you busy?" Liam jokes, making me chuckle. 

I move myself to face the boys and Kendall who is currently laughing and as I do, all of the guys' eyes widen. 

"What?" I shout, throwing my hands on the air. They all shamelessly take many glances of my body. 

"Nothing, I just didn't know you were this... hot." Louis answers. 

"Watch it, Lou." Harry growls. 

"Your welcome to all of you! I picked this dress out for her!" Kendall says, putting her hands in the air and nodding her head as the boys clap for her, including Harry. 

"Ok, all of you can shut up now!" I tell them, shaking my head while trying to bite back my smile. 

"Right, let's go." Harry reply's, still laughing. We all make our way to the elevator, Harry keeping an arm around my waist until the doors open to the lobby of the fancy hotel.

"Ready to go, lucky?" Niall asks me using the nickname he gave me, holding his elbow out for me. 

"I hope. Just letting you know now, I'm not very good with people." I tell him as I link our arms, raising my eyebrows. 

"You'll do just fine." He chuckles, opening the door to the hotel as we walk into the street swarmed with paparazzi. Security keeps them back but Niall makes sure to keep me close to him just in case. 

Stupid To Fall For You ~ Harry Styles ~Where stories live. Discover now