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"What can I get you today?" I tiredly ask the customer that just walked in. 

Last night was not good at all. 

On top of not sleeping, I cried. I cried a lot because I know the inevitable is going to happen. Harry and I are going to end our relationship. I don't want to, not at all, but what more can I expect?

The worst part is that I really like Harry, he's my first boyfriend, he's the first person I have ever actually had feelings for and now, it's all going to go away with five simple words. 

"I'm breaking up with you." 

My eyes are puffy and red, my hair is brushed out but still somehow messy, my cheeks are a shade of light pink with tears staining them because I didn't have time to wash my face and get ride of the lines and my lips are chapped and dry due to all of the tears falling on them and the sharp breaths every couple of seconds from last night. 

I look disgusting but that was the least of my problems when the person I have been crying over walked into the diner and started walking towards me at the counter. 

I froze, my heart beating so fast I was sure Harry could hear it and my breathing so shaky I was sure he knew how nervous I was. 

"Can I talk to you?" He asks me once he reaches the counter. 

"I'm working." I whisper, scared that if I talk to him he'll end things with me. I'm not ready for that just yet.

"It's really important, Vay. Just a short drive, I promise." He tries to convince me but with the pricing green eyes I could spot out anywhere anytime, how could I say no? 

So, I sigh and nod and walk into the kitchen where Faith is. I hang up my apron on one of the hooks and tell her where I'm going. 

She's completely clueless, but that's ok because I don't want her to worry.

I then meet Harry at the front of the diner. He's in his usual black skinny jeans and plain t-shirt, but he's wearing sunglasses which I don't normally see on him unless it's sunny outside, which it is. 

God Vada, just shut the fuck up. 

His lips perk up as he sees me, but neither of us say anything. Like usual, he opens the door for me and I manage to squeak out a small "thank you" without crying again, then and there. He gets in the drivers seat and starts driving down the road, still not saying anything which is making me more nervous. 

I start to chew on my finger nails again but Harry quickly grabs my wrist and pulls my hand away from my mouth as he shakes his head. 

"Don't do that." He tells me as he intertwines our fingers, catching me by surprise. As we continue to drive, he draws small circles on the back of my hand with his thumb which soothed my nerves, but I still didn't doubt he was going to end things with me.

He has to, theres no other option.

After 15 minutes of driving around silently, Harry suddenly makes a left turn and slams on the breaks so we stop in the middle of the county roads, surrounded by only fields, confusing me on why we brought me here. 

"Come on tour with me." He spits out of no where, making me snap my head in his direction. 

"What?" I say, thinking I heard him wrong. 

He did not just ask me to go on tour with him right? 

"Come on tour with me, Vada." He repeats again, looking at me dead in the eye. 

Or maybe he did. 

I waited for him to say "Sike! I'm actually breaking up with you!", but it never came. He just stared at me, nervously fiddling with the seam of his jeans on his left leg, his right hand still intertwined with mine. 

"I-I can't." I say after a while, still shocked that he just asked me to go on tour with him and his best friends who are also my friends. 

Any sane person would have accepted in a second, but if I have learned anything over the 18 years I have been alive, it's that I'm anything but sane and normal. 

"Why not? It makes total sense!" Harry is quick to defend. I shake my head and gulp the lump in my throat. 

"No-no, it doesn't Harry! I-I can't just drop everything! I have a job Harry-" I start but he cuts me off. 

"It'll be here when you get back! You said so yourself that they're like family to you!" He says, using the words I once told him. 

"Faith!" I spit urgently, acting like he's supposed to know what I'm talking about.

"I have to cover half of the rent! I can't just leave her hanging to pay for the apartment by herself!" I explain to him, panicking on the inside that he's already found a loop hole cause I've got nothing after this. 

I won't have another reason not to go. 

"I'll pay for your half of the rent while you come on the tour! Plus, Faith will only have to spend half the money on food!" He states. I shake my head rapidly and gulp again. 

"I-I can't let you pay for my rent Harry!" I tell him "I-I won't take advantage of you like that, I refuse to take your money."

He sighs and takes my other hand in his, now holding both of my hands and staring into my eyes. 

"We can figure something out, baby. I'm sure you can get someone to move in for the months that your home. Please, just-just come. I'm not ready to say goodbye to you yet." He tells me, making my heart flip. 

I take a minute, staring at him with my eyebrows furrowed, thinking this out. 

I'm sure Eva will be more than happy to take my spot on the apartment since she doesn't have a place to stay yet and she does have a job so Faith would be fine for rent and stuff. 

Everything seemed to fit together, like this was fate telling me to take a risk. 

Telling me to fucking live a little. 

So, in complete and utter fearlessness, I spit out "Okay." 

As soon as the word leaves my mouth, Harry's eyes light up. 

"Yeah?" He asks for reassurance. I smile and let out a breathless laugh as I nod. 

"Yeah, I'll come on tour with you!" I say. 

He wastes not time pushing his lips to mine, kissing me like I was the only thing he ever cared about. I could feel him smiling through the kiss, literally.

And maybe I just made a horrible decision that I will regret in a couple months, or maybe this will be the best decision I have ever made.

But I don't give shit right now. 

I am going to travel with Harry. I'm going to go to each and every one of his shows that he is performing at with his band mates. I'm going to go out with him and his friends after. I'm going to explore each city with him and I'm going to make sure I buy something for Faith, Eva and Mila so they know I will never forget about them.

And I'm scared shitless about this, but I want to take my chances.

So maybe, even if there's a little sliver of a chance,

I will fall in love with Harry.


Stupid To Fall For You ~ Harry Styles ~Where stories live. Discover now