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Author's note:
Look who's back with another update in less than 24 hours. This author be updating like lightning speed then go missing for 3 days, I can't with myself. I'm sorry people, I'm trying to make up for the days that I've been emotionally unwell. Thank you for ur patience with me. ❤️ ily! Please, enjoy the long update!


So where was Jaemin when his noona was confined at the hospital?

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So where was Jaemin when his noona was confined at the hospital?

Jaemin did stay at the hospital to take care of her noona for 2 hours and then John took over and even though they weren't in good terms, they tried to work together to take care of Jisoo.

Jaemin left because 'cause Jaemin wanted to look for someone, Ryujin, who else? Despite all efforts of Ryujin to keep Jaemin away from he'll come running back to her.

Everything at this point is really just stressful and messed up. How Jaemin wished he told Ryujin his feelings for her right even before John & her got back together.


Jaemin roamed around town to search for her however, he found out that Ryujin was no longer working at both the diner and the flower shop.

He was told that she'd been fired from work after receiving reports of her affair with Johnny.

And this got Jaemin really mad & upset, as Ryujin was suffering the most instead of Johnny.


Jaemin arrived back at the hospital after his whole day search for Ryujin that ended up as a failed assignment.

When he was near his noona's ward, he saw from the glass windows that John was seated next to his noona's bed and they were talking. Surprisingly, their hands were intertwined together as they talked, his noona was also smiling and he saw how Johnny kissed his noona's forehead too.

What's the meaning of this? Jaemin was clearly unhappy about this.

He entered her noona's ward without even knocking, startling the two and John immediately pulled his hand away from his wife's hand. Jaemin's eyes followed the movement of his hand and looked back into John's eyes and to his noona's.

"Noona, how could you report Ryujin at her workplace?! She got fired from her jobs and she needed those jobs to finance herself, she's a working student and she lives on her own with no one to support her." Jaemin complained to his noona.

Jisoo looked disappointed with Jaemin. "Jaemin, I thought we were over this conversation."

"No, but why are you putting the blame so much on her?! I don't understand. Yes, I know she had an affair with Johnny hyung but that game was played by two people, her and Johnny hyung. Why is Ryujin suffering the most when she was tricked to believe that Johnny was single and not married?" asked Jaemin and he sounded furious.

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