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Jaemin knew this was not going to be good for his noona, especially because of her condition, she had just gotten out of the hospital

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Jaemin knew this was not going to be good for his noona, especially because of her condition, she had just gotten out of the hospital.

But he needed to tell her the truth so he called her and she picked up, however Jaemin couldn't find the right words to say it. He couldn't be direct 'cause he was scared her noona would be so hurt.

"Noona, Johnny hyung..." he panted so heavily.

"What about your hyung?" she asked on the other line.

"He's not... telling the truth." that's all he said, he was also mumbling. "He's not being honest with you, noona."

"About what?" his noona asked.

"About..." he sighed heavily. "a lot of stuff. I'm not gonna deny it, I've been a bit rude to him over the past few days but there's a reason why I'm like that towards him, he is not telling to the truth."

"Jaeminnie, be straightforward with me." his noona calmly asked.

"I think you should just confront him noona, you should hear it from his own mouth so you would believe me. I just... I just know that he's not being honest with you, noona."

He heard her noona sigh on the other line. "I don't know what's going on with both of you but you two used to get along just fine, I'm starting to worry. Is it time for me to come back home?" she asked.

Jaemin felt guilty now. "No noona, that's not what I mean. Stay there and finish your studies there, don't worry about us but I just I wanted you to be aware of Johnny hyung's misconduct." he told her.

She then told. "Please, call your hyung. I would want to speak with him and make sure you are also present while I speak with him."


So Jaemin called his hyung and he spoke with his noona on Jaemin's phone while Jaemin sat on his bed with his arms crossed.

But when his noona confronted Johnny, he had already prepared what to say to her.

He replied. "You know why Jaemin is accusing me of lying? It's because I told you about him being disrespectful towards me and he wanted to get back at me so he tries to make me look like the bad guy." Johnny explained to his noona, despite Jaemin listening.

Jaemin's mouth agape 'cause he was just twisting the story again to make himself look and sound innocent.

"What?!" Jaemin muttered standing up from his bed but Johnny didn't pay attention to him.

"Yeobo, it's so obvious that he's making this up because he got mad at me when you scolded him for his bad behavior. Now you understand what I mean? He is learning to fight back, he doesn't want to be corrected that's why he's making me the bad guy." Johnny defended himself.

Guilty Hearts - Jaemin (NCT) x Ryujin (Itzy)Where stories live. Discover now